sirshannon wrote:
Otis wrote:
Today Doom 3 will arrive in Holland. Can't wait!
First off, _ did you wait_ for Doom 3? It's too tired for me to bring it up again, but I had to kick it a little.
yeah, I did.
I had 100MB downloaded and thought... no, just wait till 13th (Friday the 13th hehe). Often bought games seem to be better than downloaded games, at least I have that feeling.
I must tell you, people get the wrong idea about about you from your posts on their blogs. (Maybe I notice this because I have the same problem?) Like that sill debate w/Mr. Gonzales. You are defending yourself too hard and he is/was attacking too hard. If everyone would r-e-l-a-x .... o-o-oo-m-m-m-m-m.... and not have to be so agressive/defensive, we would probably all gain more from the discussion.
It was a thing I couldn't win. What was really bad was that he accused me from the start with things I didn't do. He apparently had a problem with me and I didn't even know the guy. It went on and on, I tried to stay polite so the only jerk in the discussion would be him, he appologized once but that didn't help a lot. I'm now on his 'global ignore list' according to his blog, well, he has to do what he has to do
. My time is too precious to debate with people who deliberately want to accuse me of something and tell the world I'm an arrogant bastard.
I understand that you are being "attacked" as if CodeSmith is a weapon against you and you MUST defend yourself, your tools, and your mindset, but it is all so silly... The guys arguing at you don't really understand the subject well enough to come at you correctly so you have to spend so much time correcting them that it's hard to get to the real point:
It takes a whole box of tools to build a house.
The problem with the forums is indeed that there are too many people with too much time on their hands and too less knowledge of the field they're talking about. That could be ok, but they just go on and on, repeat what they think etc. etc. After 14 years of usenet postings I've learned that when you've said what you had to say, stop. There is no use repeating what you already said. Thomas is / was right in that thread: often the people are stupid and don't understand what they're talking about. I learned it's not that wise to speak that out in the open, but boy do my fingers hurt sometimes
Sure, you can do it by hand, with only a hammer, but you probably had to live in the rain for a year and life was rough for no reason. When the CodeSmith template that worked with LLBLGen to make things even easier and faster for us, you never said anything approaching negative. You were as happy about it as anyone. But, unlike the rest of us, you could have ignored it and made it go away if you were "anti" CodeSmith. But you're not.
I don't see codesmith as a competitor nor as a tool that should be attacked or something. It's a tool which can be handy. If some people make great things with it, like Bert and others are doing now, I only find that great
. Of course, it would be better if there was some kind of task performer which could read <% %> templates but for the time being till I've written that class, codesmith will do
You're cursed like me, I think: too stuck on facts to let popular opinion get in your way. Don't you know that you're supposed to hate X if you like Y!?!? How dare you!?!?
Twice this week I've almost jumped in to defend you: once to say explain that you are SURELY not in favor of pirating software, once to explain that you 're not anit-CodeGen and certainly not anti-CodeSmith.
Am I in favor of pirating software? Who said that? I missed that one. I'm not anti-code generators, on the contrary haha
. I do however think that code generators like other tools are more and more seen as 'solutions' while they're tools to realize those solutions.
It really does bother me a little, though, because you are forced to spend so much time defending yourself that you never really get a chance to say your honest opinion. The funny thing is, I am just about an LLBLGen Zealot at this point, I just can't bring myself to be as obnoxious as the anti-O/R Mapping guys are. I refuse to get religious about technology. If I can't show you the numbers to prove my side of a math-based argument, I'm not going to bother. I'll just listen and learn.
Well saying my honest opinion is not possible anymore. As someone said in the thread (to thomas) : you are the corporate image. I have to hold myself back often in discussions when someone thinks he has to tell me that I'm an asshole, are arrogant or whatever. What helps is to reply with a piece of text where you make the accuser the real jerk and not yourself, as accusing someone of something is 'not done' in a discussion. But sometimes that's not good enough. Well, the last couple of years I then think: "and how many people are paying attention to YOUR opinion?". I mean: if some college kid with a keyboard is calling you names on a forum, is that really important? Of course not, who cares about that opinion.
Maybe you should mention that you posted CodeSmith Templates on your customer-only site. I think some people think that you don't get CodeSmith. The funny thing is, you probably get it more than they do.
I did mention that in the thread, but it shows how good they read and are willing to have a good debate... they totally ignored it. Which means, the thread is not worth participating in anymore. Ah well...