It is Friday!

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wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 22-Apr-2005 13:37:04   

Borland open sources JBuilder!!! frowning frowning

What a shocker!!! see -

I really didn't expect this from Borland... I thought JBuilder was their leading product.

Seems like they are giving all their products away! First it was Interbase now JBuilder, wonder when Delphi will be going Open Source? What does this say about Borland?

[Edit] - Can't seem to find anything about this on Borland website.confused

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 22-Apr-2005 14:37:02   

RIP JBuilder then.

(I saw Borland Together for VS.NET this morning, only 200$, really cool toolkit)

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 22-Apr-2005 15:25:24   

I really hope this turns out to be a good weekend. Judging by the amount of work and problems on my plate, I'm not so sure.

IMO Borland has been out of the loop for a while. I read an article in ADT a month or so ago that came to the same conclusion.

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# Posted on: 29-Apr-2005 21:52:59   

alexdresko wrote:

I really hope this turns out to be a good weekend. Judging by the amount of work and problems on my plate, I'm not so sure.

IMO Borland has been out of the loop for a while. I read an article in ADT a month or so ago that came to the same conclusion.

And here we are again. Can't wait to kick back and relax this weekend. Perhaps I'll get to finish my new wedding ring replacement...

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Apr-2005 22:24:47   

alexdresko wrote:

alexdresko wrote:

I really hope this turns out to be a good weekend. Judging by the amount of work and problems on my plate, I'm not so sure.

IMO Borland has been out of the loop for a while. I read an article in ADT a month or so ago that came to the same conclusion.

And here we are again. Can't wait to kick back and relax this weekend. Perhaps I'll get to finish my new wedding ring replacement...

Heh, great idea! smile

Btw, this weekend (tomorrow actually) it's Queensday in The Netherlands and the queen then visits 2 cities and walks around with her children and waves her hand. This year she visits The Hague and particularly: scheveningen, she will walk through my street! 100m from my house! smile (yes I'll behave and wave back wink )

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 29-Apr-2005 22:37:31   

Otis wrote:

Btw, this weekend (tomorrow actually) it's Queensday in The Netherlands and the queen then visits 2 cities and walks around with her children and waves her hand. This year she visits The Hague and particularly: scheveningen, she will walk through my street! 100m from my house! smile (yes I'll behave and wave back wink )

Sounds like a great reason to paint the town orange!

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# Posted on: 29-Apr-2005 23:16:21   

BTW, I wish one of you smart people here would have warned me against trying wrap my head around "Inversion of Control" concepts... I'm lost! simple_smile

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 01-May-2005 11:59:15   

alexdresko wrote:

Otis wrote:

Btw, this weekend (tomorrow actually) it's Queensday in The Netherlands and the queen then visits 2 cities and walks around with her children and waves her hand. This year she visits The Hague and particularly: scheveningen, she will walk through my street! 100m from my house! smile (yes I'll behave and wave back wink )

Sounds like a great reason to paint the town orange!

That's been taken care of by a gazillion people! Maaannn suddenly there were a couple of thousand people living in our neighbourhood smile .

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 17-Jun-2005 16:45:35   

All quiet on the western front...

It's Friday, the sun is out (which is a pleasant change simple_smile ) and i can hear the beer garden calling stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

roll on 5 oclock!!!

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Jun-2005 18:20:30   

You bet! It's going to be 29-30 degrees celcius this weekend, yay! smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 17-Jun-2005 18:44:20   

That's 86 degrees Fahrenheit for those still scratching their heads.

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# Posted on: 22-Jul-2005 21:57:49   

I dropped a US $40,000 studio camera today and broke part of the lense.

Guess who's glad it's Friday?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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# Posted on: 29-Jul-2005 14:07:29   

Well, its Friday again simple_smile Its going to rain and be about 15degrees where I am, so I need some decent links to cheer me up......anyone?

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# Posted on: 29-Jul-2005 19:42:50   

MattWoberts wrote:

Well, its Friday again simple_smile Its going to rain and be about 15degrees where I am, so I need some decent links to cheer me up......anyone?

You asked. I give. wink

long weather link

Just look at the high where I'm at. That and rain (which means humidity)...bleh.. confused

omar avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jul-2005 21:08:56   

Well, its Friday again Its going to rain and be about 15degrees where I am, so I need some decent links to cheer me up......anyone?

Here in Kuwait, its 10:00pm (that’s pm not am) and the temperature is 45c (Celsius not Fahrenheit..).. sunglasses

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jul-2005 21:38:40   

omar wrote:

Well, its Friday again Its going to rain and be about 15degrees where I am, so I need some decent links to cheer me up......anyone?

Here in Kuwait, its 10:00pm (that’s pm not am) and the temperature is 45c (Celsius not Fahrenheit..).. sunglasses

ugh... 45c... I don't want to think about how hot that is... I pressume you're surrounded by airco's? simple_smile How do you manage during the day!!

Here's it's ok, not very sunny (although today wasn't bad), but dry. Very crowded on teh beach though, as if all those tourists don't have anything better to do with not-sunny weather wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 17:45:26   

Pointless TGIF post #292!

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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 18:52:23   

I'm not having a happy Friday. I ordered an iPod Photo 60gb from Amazon yesterday to be overnighted, and they said "sure, you'll have it tomorrow." Ooops! Amazon had some kind of foo-fah last night, didn't get the order out, and I'll get it Monday. Their response? "Too bad for you! Here's your shipping charge back."

There's a big difference between getting something Friday and getting it on Monday, especially when it's a personal entertainment item. Technically the difference is "one business day," but for me it's a lost weekend of fun with a new toy.

Petty? Perhaps. But what if it was a gift that I was to have given this weekend? Why should Amazon's only penalty be that they refund money that they weren't going to receive in the first place? They're now shipping it on the slow service, which would have been free to me anyway, so they're out nothing, I'm out a weekend of fun. Who paid for this screw-up? Not Amazon.

This is the third straight order Amazon has crapped out for me. Last was a book that looked like it had been drug through the mud, and before that it was a product that was missing parts when it arrived. This is all within the past 8 weeks.

Anyone else about to give up on Amazon?

For me, Friday will be delivered on Monday this week. Today is just another day...



mattsmith321 avatar
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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 19:45:30   

swallace wrote:

For me, Friday will be delivered on Monday this week. Today is just another day...

Can you get any luckier? Sure you didn't get your iPod today which brought Friday down a little, but it is still a Friday which makes it the best day of the week. Then, instead of having a boring Monday, you get a cool new toy which will make Monday not feel like Monday since it is the worst day of the week. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 20:34:35   

mattsmith321 wrote:

swallace wrote:

For me, Friday will be delivered on Monday this week. Today is just another day...

Can you get any luckier? Sure you didn't get your iPod today which brought Friday down a little, but it is still a Friday which makes it the best day of the week. Then, instead of having a boring Monday, you get a cool new toy which will make Monday not feel like Monday since it is the worst day of the week. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Darn you "bright side of the picture" people! You're right, but I was so enjoying my gloom. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

I'll look forward to the product being delivered Monday (it is a very cool iPod after all), but I won't look forward to using Amazon again. In fact, I probably won't use them again. They did little more than point me to their URL that says they sometimes get it wrong and they don't owe me anything if they do. My confidence in them is destroyed.

I really wasn't saving anything over just picking it up in the local store, but I didn't have to leave the house and was having it brought straight to work. Couldn't be easier, in theory.

What's the advantage now that they won't commit to delivery dates? Imagine going into Best Buy (or your local retailer) and coughing up money, told to come back the next day for the product, then finding out the next day you can't have it for another three days. No one would stand for that at a retailer. (By the way, I can't cancel the order with Amazon because it's considered "in process." Can't get my money back, can't cancel, just told to stand over here and wait, too bad for you.) Why put up with it with Amazon? I'm not saving any money.

So long Amazon.

(Boy I'm bitter...)

Anyway, my point was, is anyone else getting screwed by Amazon lately, or is it just my bad luck to have three failures with them in 8 weeks? Is there something bad going wrong with them? Anyone notice anything?

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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 21:46:55   

swallace wrote:

So long Amazon.

Ok, for such a commodity item why not just go to Best Buy or Wallmart? You could have it the same day for the same price.


mattsmith321 avatar
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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 21:48:28   

swallace wrote:

Darn you "bright side of the picture" people! You're right, but I was so enjoying my gloom. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

It's how I get by. I've tried the other side and I can't handle it for more than a day.

swallace wrote:

What's the advantage now that they won't commit to delivery dates? Imagine going into Best Buy (or your local retailer) and coughing up money, told to come back the next day for the product, then finding out the next day you can't have it for another three days. No one would stand for that at a retailer. (By the way, I can't cancel the order with Amazon because it's considered "in process." Can't get my money back, can't cancel, just told to stand over here and wait, too bad for you.) Why put up with it with Amazon? I'm not saving any money.

Actually I've got several friends with stories of ordering appliances (fridge, washer/dryer,etc.) from BestBuy, etc. and getting a delivery date and sitting at home waiting for an appliance that didn't come when it was scheduled. Calls to the store are met with "it's not us, contact the warehouse".

swallace wrote:

Anyway, my point was, is anyone else getting screwed by Amazon lately, or is it just my bad luck to have three failures with them in 8 weeks? Is there something bad going wrong with them? Anyone notice anything?

I haven't noticed anything in my last couple of orders. Maybe it has more to do with living in OK? wink Just kidding! It's been hard to beat Amazon from a price and convenience point of view. In fact, Amazon has always been a very good example of how to do customer service right. I've returned stuff weeks after I ordered it without any problems.

If you can, you might want to check out for tech purchases. Not sure how deep their consumer gadget line is, but I usually compare them with Amazon where I can. Where they are really good is for computer parts and components.

I wouldn't be so drastic in quitting amazon entirely. After all, most people deal with amazon because it is the cheapest price. And we all know the saying: "You get what you pay for!" Of course, that doesn't apply to LLBL! smile

Have a good one!

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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 22:04:44   

You're right, I've used NewEgg and love them. I've never, ever had an issue with them, and I've used them a bunch. Strange I never considered them for a consumer purchase like an iPod.

I certainly should have gone local, but Amazon made it clear that the product would be delivered the next morning. They were very specific. Sooo easy. Or was it? Funny their specific statement, "it will be there Friday" didn't include the link to the disclaimer URL they sent me to when it wasn't there on Friday, which basically says "it will be there when we feel like it."

I'm willing to write off Amazon. I know that sounds strange, but I'm fed up with their no-answer answers. They don't seem to be humans, just policy-bots. I'm genuinely upset, and all I get are copy-and-paste answers. I still don't know when it will get here, "likely Monday." Is that an answer?

For computer equipment, there's no comparison in price. The local stores charge out the wazzoo compared to online purchases. I do think that's an Oklahoma thing, since I've been to a Frye's. (We don't have one.) It's online only for computer stuff in this town.

But when there's no price difference, I give up on online orders. It's not worth it, not even from Amazon.

I've had the Best Buy delivery woes before also, but at least I can call the warehouse and speak to Fred, or Fred's boss. I can get an answer that doesn't sound like it was picked from a menu of options titled "Ways to pacify a customer without committing to anything."

Call me a ludite. I'm offline for purchases where price is not a differentiator.

And Amazon is banned.

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# Posted on: 05-Aug-2005 23:10:00   

...and just to celebrate my freedom from Amazon, I went down to the locally-owned bookseller and bought a new book. The price was great, it was "delivered" the same day, and they even smiled and said thank you.

This kind of thing might actually catch on...

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# Posted on: 12-Aug-2005 20:06:59   

Man, I really messed up yesterday evening. Crystal (m'lady) and I went out to eat and got back kind late. Then I played XBOX until I passed out. So this morning when I woke up, I honestly felt like last night was Friday night and I could sleep in for a few hours this morning. Sure, the phone rang a couple of times but I thought that was just a friend calling to see what I was doing. Right about 10:15 Crystal woke up (she always gets to sleep in late) and said, “Do you have the day off?” Right about then is when I realized that today was going to be a bad day.

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