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# Posted on: 01-Feb-2007 10:22:05   

I'm here simple_smile

Good to "see" you Wayne. Nothing much to report from me, still at the same company, and still using LLBLGen of course wink

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 01-Feb-2007 11:27:39   

wayne wrote:

What have you guys been doing? Any babies yet Otis? and what about you jeff?

No babies here Wayne, no place/time for these simple_smile . Still going strong on llblgen pro of course. simple_smile So is this MLM thingy paying off for you? (aren't these a bit fishy, these MLM systems?)

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 01-Feb-2007 15:21:30   

Hi Otis

MLM companies usually get associated with Pyramid schemes - they are mostly the same but there are some differences.

  1. To have a MLM company you must be registered with the DSA. (Direct selling association) otherwise you are seen as pyramid scheme which is illegal in most countries.

  2. Pyramid schemes make their money from recruiting new members and usually run dead in a few months.

MLM Companies make their money from selling product and their members can usually make a living from selling their product. For example you must know Tupperware or Herbal life.

  1. In a Pyramid the only people making money are the one's at the top - In a MLM company only people that work make money.

If you don't work - hit your mile stones you won't make a cent from your downline. Your position in the MLM Scheme changes all the time - most of the hard workers sit at the top with your new and non-workers at the bottom.

My partner and myself had to turn down a few companies for ethical reasons - for example we had a supposidly MLM Company that wanted to use our system to sell MOTIVATION!

We also had a company that wanted to sell Adult content which is actually not a problem - but we have a few big clients that do not want to be associated with any X rated things like Virgin for example.

NetReady Software is based in South Africa and specialise in MLM Software. We currently have 5 staff: 3 x Developers 2 x Software testers 1 x Network Admin

One thing i can tell you about MLM Systems is that the maths in these systems are quite complex. The commission rules are also very compex requiring alot of recursion.

Ah well enough about me, it seems like LLBLGen has really taken off - you must be sitting pretty and the momment. How many clients do you have at the momment.

[EDIT] - I removed some of the content of this post because this thread has been picked up by google and i do not wish to inform all the competition out there about my successes or plans - i also abused this a bit by adding a hyperlink to netready.

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 01-Feb-2007 15:26:57   

Hi Matt,

Nice to see that you are still here.simple_smile

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# Posted on: 01-Feb-2007 19:27:59   

wayne wrote:

At the momment our only and real competitor is QuinStreet in the US.

What about ?


wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 02-Feb-2007 18:54:29   

Hi PilotBob

I must be honest this is the first time that i have ever heard of them... Hope you don't work for these guys,..i might be giving away trade secrets here....stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye - That site does not seem to exist any more.

When ever we went to a meeting with a possible new client - we always found quinstreet being our competition - there has been a few accounting systems with web e-commerce add on - but these can't do the complex calculation and tracking of the member geneology that real MLM systems can do.

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# Posted on: 02-Feb-2007 20:18:54   

Two kids here now, Wayne; both boys. You? simple_smile Congrats on your business. simple_smile


wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 04-Feb-2007 09:01:48   

Hi Jeff

Two kids here now, Wayne; both boys. You? simple_smile Congrats on your business. simple_smile

Thanks Jeff, we still have a hard road ahead at the momment our expenses are higher than our income at the momment so we are eating into the companies capital...I.T. Staff very expensive - but we hope to change that in the next 2 months or so.

Youv'e been busystuck_out_tongue_winking_eye last time i was here your first was just born.

In December 2005 my wife gave birth prematurely due to high blood pressure - the baby was born at the age of six months - We called him Marcus, but he died unfortunatly on 10th of February 2006 due to infection. In December 2006 we started tryting again...but nothing yet so far.


wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 04-Feb-2007 09:02:42   


Any plans to come and visit South Africa for the 2010 soccer world cup?

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 02-Mar-2007 18:25:12   


Any plans to come and visit South Africa for the 2010 soccer world cup?...

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 02-Mar-2007 18:39:45   

I'll never spend money for a long journey just to watch soccer, sorry wink . I'm not that into soccer, on TV... OK, but travel half the globe to see our lazy millionairs lose, nah. wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 03-Mar-2007 09:00:31   

Oh, ok... i was going to offer to put you up and your wife up at my house in cape town.

You can always come to see another country's lazy millionairs win... and i am definetly not refering to South Africa here...They have alot of catching up to do.

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 03-Mar-2007 11:44:32   

wayne wrote:

Oh, ok... i was going to offer to put you up and your wife up at my house in cape town.

I'll see what I can do simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Mar-2007 11:23:45   

OK, Just let me know what happens. simple_smile

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# Posted on: 08-Mar-2007 21:04:02   

Hey... no posting on this thread unless it's Friday! I thought it was for a minute there!


wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 09-Mar-2007 11:24:44   

PilotBob wrote:

Hey... no posting on this thread unless it's Friday! I thought it was for a minute there!


I checked a few minutes ago and its friday NOW. wink

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# Posted on: 10-Jul-2008 15:18:55   

I'll use this age-old thread to wish a belated happy 38th birthday to the age-old Frans, aka 'Otis'. I hope your day was quiet and relaxing. Now get back to work!


Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 14-Jul-2008 23:31:14   

swallace wrote:

I'll use this age-old thread to wish a belated happy 38th birthday to the age-old Frans, aka 'Otis'. I hope your day was quiet and relaxing. Now get back to work!


Hehe thanks Scott! simple_smile It was indeed relaxed simple_smile . Back to work is on the menu tomorrow wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 26-Jul-2010 10:09:21   

Hi frans and co, i havnt been here for a while. Just thought ill pop in say hello and see whats new. No...its not friday today...althought i could use another weekend.

bertcord avatar
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# Posted on: 21-Oct-2017 10:12:17   

stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye ... I need to stop staying up sooooo late on Friday nights!

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# Posted on: 15-May-2021 18:08:43   

I hope you all had a blessed friday.

I blog on the recent international seo agency.
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