You'd expect that major car manufacturers would have factories on the african continent as well, to safe shipping costs. Also, aren't korean and japanese cars less expensive there, as the shipping costs for these is 1/2 the costs of shipping them to europe Regular Smiley
Thats the shocker, they do have factories in SA. Opel, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Ford and Isuzu are manuafactured in Port Elizabeth. Ford has the minority of the market and only have their bottom range cars here. Toyota does not have a factory here as far as i know.
Toyota is japense they have majority of the market followed by Opel, but the toyota corrola is in the same price range as the opel astra, the rest of the japense and korean cars Dawoo and Hyuandia (mind spelling) do not have any resel value and is also not very reliable. Hyuandia went under about 2 years ago in SA and was bought by another car manufacturer. There was no local parts for them until beginning of this year.
A Opel astra 1.6 and Toyota Carolla is roughly R 170 000 here that is 21 250 Euros devide by 8 i think.