wayne wrote:
I though never liked star trek, I'm a true starwars fan
I love sci fi.
My Favourites are Babilon 5, Star Wars, Star Gate, Star Trek and Space Balls...remember that one?
spaceballs rocks
With lord helmet
Of all the ones mentioned above i find Babilon 5 the best - It's story does no leave so many un answered questions like the others...Star Wars is starting to have huge gaps.
Yeah, they still have 1 episode to go
You must check out the KMC Forums http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f38/ - they have these huge discussion about weather a light saber could work under water
some people go too far
Like those waiting in line for the first showing of a new sw movie, they bring their darth vader helmet, sabres etc...
Might have to move this to General Chat
hehe yeah, well, the topicstart is still valid here... for people searching..