What Root namespace do you use?

JohnRLewis avatar
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# Posted on: 31-Aug-2004 16:57:12   

I am using LLBLGen Pro for the first time. I am trying to figure out what root namespace to use when generating my project.

I was thinking of using something like:


What root namespace do you use?

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 31-Aug-2004 17:24:41   

I think you have the right approuch...If i can remember correctly from the documentation about the naming convention for namespaces.

It is suppose to be Companyname.Product.WhatEver...

I use the following namespace for some of my own private projects:

NetReady.MLM.PL NetReady.MLM.PL.UserControls NetReady.MLM.PL.Pages NetReady.MLM.WebControls NetReady.MLM.BL.Calculations NetReady.MLM.BL.Procesess NetReady.MLM.DL

NetReady.DataBlocks.Core NetReady.DataBlocks.ProjectData NetReady.DataBlocks.Drivers

Cadmium avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Sep-2004 17:13:59   

We use Company.Project.XXX here. I like to call the generated classes BusinessEntities, my BLL classes BusinessServices, and my web gui classes Web. It's probably simplistic, redundant (or hell, even misleading), but it works for what we've done so far simple_smile

A typical project might look like:

MyCompany.Intranet.BusinessServices MyCompany.Intranet.Web MyCompany.Intranet.BusinessEntities MyCompany.Intranet.BusinessEntities.EntityClasses MyCompany.Intranet.BusinessEntities.FactoryClasses


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# Posted on: 16-Sep-2004 23:40:45   

I'm the same as wayne - Company.Project.Web, Company.project.BLL etc... Seems we're all on the same track, which is good....

....Hmmm....or maybe its bad, it proves we've all been conditioned by Microsoft!!! wink

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 10:49:04   

Well, at the company where i am contracting the guys have decided to follow their own way...

Example: Layer.Project.CompanyDomain web.magnet.circdata.net. DAL.magnet.circdata.net BL.Magnet.CircData.Net

I did hear from one of the guys that this use to be the standard set in 2002 by M$. - But i am not so sure about this...it looks like a weird standard to me.

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 12:10:52   

wayne wrote:

Well, at the company where i am contracting the guys have decided to follow their own way...

Example: Layer.Project.CompanyDomain web.magnet.circdata.net. DAL.magnet.circdata.net BL.Magnet.CircData.Net

I did hear from one of the guys that this use to be the standard set in 2002 by M$. - But i am not so sure about this...it looks like a weird standard to me.

That's indeed a weird standard. Microsoft did shuffle with the naming schemes though. You can see it still in .NET, when you decompile something with reflector. the system namespace is scattered over several assemblies. Especially the vague 'mscorlib' assembly is not conform any standard.

People should use something that's practical. Often standards are based on things which follow practical ways of doing things. (otherwise no-one uses tehm wink ). The naming scheme you described here is not that practical to me I think, it ONLY is practical if you have several DAL namespaces with various vendors, but that is not the case I think. simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 14:13:14   

That's indeed a weird standard.

Indeed. There's alot of weird shyte here...If they did not pay so well i would not be working here...wink

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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 14:16:28   

hehe simple_smile Oh, what people are willing to do for money wink sunglasses

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 14:26:53   

I got an email once of a guy standing at a traffic light with a poster in his hands with the following words on it "Will code HTML for food" smile smile smile

But see that is what you get if a bunch of "Web Page Developers" try make as if they are "Real Programmers"

Real Programmers

"Specifications are for the weak and timid!" "This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do battle with this code!" "Indentation?! I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull!" "What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake." "Klingon function calls do not have 'parameters' - they have 'arguments' - and they ALWAYS WIN THEM." "Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak." "I have challenged the entire quality assurance team to a Bat-Leth contest. They will not concern us again." "A TRUE Klingon Warrior does not comment his code!" "By filing this bug report you have challenged the honour of my family. Prepare to die!" "You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!" "Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!"

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 19:10:55   

Nobody like my Kligon programmer sayings?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 20:28:25   

What's klingon? Isn't that something from 'that other sf-series' ?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 20:34:09   

You don't know what Kligon is? confused Shame, i guess you don't get time for TV. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye Its from Star Trek....remember? smile

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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2004 20:35:02   

That's great! I especially like the "Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake" line. Been there, done that!


edit: Posted on our bulletin board.

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 18-Sep-2004 11:06:00   

wayne wrote:

You don't know what Kligon is? confused Shame, i guess you don't get time for TV. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye Its from Star Trek....remember? smile

Of course I know what kligon is, I'm a true geek remember wink . I though never liked star trek, I'm a true starwars fan. (I mean, you land on some planet, and there are humanoids running around there, speaking english. suurreee smile )

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 18-Sep-2004 14:49:56   

I though never liked star trek, I'm a true starwars fan

I love sci fi. My Favourites are Babilon 5, Star Wars, Star Gate, Star Trek and Space Balls...remember that one?

Of all the ones mentioned above i find Babilon 5 the best - It's story does no leave so many un answered questions like the others...Star Wars is starting to have huge gaps.

You must check out the KMC Forums http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f38/ - they have these huge discussion about weather a light saber could work under water smile

Might have to move this to General Chat smile

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 18-Sep-2004 16:34:18   

wayne wrote:

I though never liked star trek, I'm a true starwars fan

I love sci fi. My Favourites are Babilon 5, Star Wars, Star Gate, Star Trek and Space Balls...remember that one?

spaceballs rocks simple_smile With lord helmet smile .

Of all the ones mentioned above i find Babilon 5 the best - It's story does no leave so many un answered questions like the others...Star Wars is starting to have huge gaps.

Yeah, they still have 1 episode to go wink

You must check out the KMC Forums http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f38/ - they have these huge discussion about weather a light saber could work under water smile

haha simple_smile some people go too far simple_smile Like those waiting in line for the first showing of a new sw movie, they bring their darth vader helmet, sabres etc...

Might have to move this to General Chat smile

hehe yeah, well, the topicstart is still valid here... for people searching.. wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 08-Oct-2004 05:48:57   

this is the most hilarious architecture thread I think i have ever read.

"Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake" line... thats the best laugh ive had in a month.