Additional downloads

Below, you'll find all available additional downloads for LLBLGen Pro, grouped by category.

Tasks and templates

Name   Release date Build
v2.x to v5.x migration templates
LLBLGen Pro v2.x lgp file migration template for v2.x to migrate v2.x lgp files to v5.11 llblgenproj files. Please read the enclosed readme for details.


12-Dec-2023 5.11


Name   Release date Build
LINQPad Driver
This is the official LLBLGen Pro v5.11 LINQPad driver. For the sourcecode, instructions how to install it and how to use it, please consult the project page on GitHub:


06-Dec-2023 5.11
LINQPad Driver for LINQPad v7+
This is the official LLBLGen Pro v5.11 LINQPad driver for LINQPad v7+. This driver is for using generated code assemblies compiled against .NET 6 or .NET standard 2.x+. For the sourcecode, instructions how to install it and how to use it, please consult the project page on GitHub:


06-Dec-2023 5.11


Name   Release date Build
LLBLGen Pro v5.11 designer / algorithmia assemblies reference manual
LLBLGen Pro v5.11 designer assemblies reference manual (.chm format), to be used when the core designer assemblies are used in code. It also contains the Algorithmia reference manual for easier class navigation.

The online version can be found here


06-Dec-2023 5.11
LLBLGen Pro v5.11 Runtime Framework reference manual
LLBLGen Pro v5.11 runtime framework assemblies reference manual (.chm format).

The online version can be found here


06-Dec-2023 5.11

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