Change-logs for the LLBLGen Pro system

Below you are able to browse through the changelogs of all elements of the LLBLGen Pro system for various versions. There's also an easy to use search function for you available (shown when applicable) which allows you to search through all the change log entries using Full text search queries.


LLBLGen Pro 4.2

All changes logged for:

  • Application: LLBLGen Pro 4.2

Number of logged changes found: 167

Change type Package Component For build Logged on Change text
Fix Drivers 4.2 Drivers 4.2 12072016 07-Dec-2016 Firebird driver: Driver sets default maximum precision to 19, which conflicts with max of 18 for EDMX files
None Templates 4.2 Templates 4.2 12072016 07-Dec-2016 Entity Framework, DbContext, Firebird: EDMX template generates date maxlength for Firebird.
Fix Templates 4.2 Templates 4.2 11292016 29-Nov-2016 LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework: Typo in VB template causing incompilable code for poco queryspec stored proc mappings
Change Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 09292016 29-Sep-2016 SQL Server DQE: parameters of Xml type are now passed with size set to -1 so the DQE is also usable on Mono
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 September 23rd, 2016 23-Sep-2016 A field of type ushort/uint/ulong isn't allowed to have a sequence set.
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 09052016 05-Sep-2016 SQL Server DQE: 2005+ style paging query doesn't use parameter in TOP clause but hard-coded end count value, which could lead to inefficient plan use in some cases.
Change Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 09012016 01-Sep-2016 SQL Server DQE: (n)varchar(max) / varbinary(max) parameters are now passed with size -1 so the DQE is also usable on mono, which contains a bug when passing 2GB-1 in size for nvarchar(max)
Addition Drivers 4.2 Drivers 4.2 09082016 09-Aug-2016 PostgreSQL: Added support for citext type.
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 07252016 25-Jul-2016 Linq: in an edge case it could be merging nested sets failed due to a faulty comparer.
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 05232016 23-May-2016 Linq: Using .Count property accessor on selfservicing collection in projection crashes preprocessor
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 05172016 17-May-2016 Type converters defined on mappings of a typedview on a stored procedure resultset aren't taken into account
Fix Task Performers 4.2 Code generator 4.2 05112016 11-May-2016 TDL Interpreter: if a typed view was mapped onto a stored procedure resultset returned by a stored procedure with also a return value, the ordinals were wrong in the generated fetch method
Fix Templates 4.2 Templates 4.2 05102016 10-May-2016 LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework: Fetch methods for TypedView definitions mapped on stored procedure resultsets weren't added to QuerySpec's queryfactory if no entities were present in the project.
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 May 4th, 2016 04-May-2016 dependentUponFilenameFormat on code generators doesn't handle [elementName]
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 April 28th, 2016 28-Apr-2016 Normalrelationship.Navigator IsOptional returns the wrong value
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 04142016 14-Apr-2016 Fixed an issue where replacing an entity E1 in a collection C by entity E2 would be seen as an addition by a connected entity view: instead of a ListChanged.ItemAdded we now issue an ItemChanged event.
None Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 03302016 30-Mar-2016 Datascopes: If a new entity was added to an empty datascope and no other entities were added for tracking to the datascope, the unit of work returned was empty and no operations were performed when commitchanges was called.
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 03182016 18-Mar-2016 Async: if an async insert statement was issued, with an entity using a sequence for the PK value, it could be the inserted PK value wasn't read back.
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 03112016 11-Mar-2016 Auditor.LoadOfEntity wasn't called in a collection fetch.
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 March 10th, 2016 10-Mar-2016 When a table-valued function was reverse engineered with a new typedview, and the TVF was added to a group, it could be the typedview return type wasn't assigned to the TVF call.
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 February 24th, 2016 24-Feb-2016 Renaming a group didn't update the undo/redo buttons in the UI
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 February 24th, 2016 24-Feb-2016 Renaming a group name to the same name with a different character casing had no effect.
Fix Designer 4.2 Designer Core 4.2 February 18th, 2016 18-Feb-2016 Reverse Engineering: If a schema contained a character which should be removed according to the naming rules in the project, and the schema name was set to be automatically chosen as the groupname, the groupname turned out to be illegal and causing an error if you wanted to add another element to it, like a typed list.
Fix Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 02092016 09-Feb-2016 Xml Deserialization (Old formats): In an edge case it could be xml deserialization could trigger a live auditor to append a reference set to its elements during deserialization, using the older xml formats.
Change Runtime Libraries 4.2 Runtime Libraries 4.2 01272016 27-Jan-2016 Linq, Async: more robust code has been added for 4.6.1 / x64, for retrieving method info objects on Queryable for Async Call expressions.