LLBLGen Pro v5.8.8 and v5.9.4 have been released!

We've released the RTM versions of LLBLGen Pro v5.8.8 and LLBLGen Pro v5.9.4! See below what's fixed in these releases.


The following issues have been addressed in v5.8.8:

  • (Runtime Libraries) - Linq, typedview/list/tvf call: A where clause comparing a nullable enum typed field with an enum value could crash in the built-in value converter

The following issues have been addressed in v5.9.4:

  • (Runtime Libraries) - Linq: Using the PredicateBuilder with a predicate that uses a comparison operator with one side the value null could lead to a crash because the expression tree formed by the PredicateBuilder was unexpected.
  • (Runtime Libraries) - Linq, typedview/list/tvf call: A where clause comparing a nullable enum typed field with an enum value could crash in the built-in value converter
  • (Runtime Libraries) - Linq: Rare race condition in edge case system when re-using dummy instance in linq provider could cause a query conversion to crash. The workaround implemented should mitigate this issue, which we ourselves haven't been able to reproduce
  • (Designer) - Database first: when the type of the target field changed but is still implicitly convertable to the entity field type, then the designer silently accepts the different type

How to obtain the new bits?

You'll find the new RTM releases in the downloads section below 'My Account'. Of course the RTM builds of the runtimes are also available through NuGet.

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