LLBLGen Pro v5.4.7 and v5.5.4 have been released!

We've released the RTM versions of LLBLGen Pro v5.4.7 and LLBLGen Pro v5.5.4! See below what's new / fixed in these releases.


The following bugs have been addressed

LLBLGen Pro v5.4.7

  • (Designer UI) - When changing a table field type from nvarchar to varchar, the length changes to maxint
  • (Designer Core) - Removing the sequence of a field mapping and then using model first sync keeps teh field as an identifying field.
  • (Designer Core) - SQL Server: switching the catalog version to v14 could lead to an NRE when refreshing multi-statement TVFs mapped by existing elements
  • (Designer Core) - EDMX importer: Importing a 1:0..1 PK-PK relationship results in a 1:1 relationship
  • (Runtime Libraries) - Selfservicing: Fetching a complex prefetch path twice with a context fails the second time with no entities in the leafs
  • (Runtime Libraries) - SQL Server, paging: specifying a query hint and a paging query directive could result in wrong SQL
  • (Runtime Libraries) - VB.NET, Linq: a group join might fail if it's followed by a DefaultIfEmpty call
  • (Runtime Libraries) - InheritanceProvider.CheckIfIsSubtype() assumes a type is an entity type but it should check for that instead

LLBLGen Pro v5.5.4

  • (Designer UI) - When changing a table field type from nvarchar to varchar, the length changes to maxint
  • (Designer Core) - Removing the sequence of a field mapping and then using model first sync keeps teh field as an identifying field.
  • (Designer Core) - SQL Server: switching the catalog version to v14 could lead to an NRE when refreshing multi-statement TVFs mapped by existing elements
  • (Designer Core) - EDMX importer: Importing a 1:0..1 PK-PK relationship results in a 1:1 relationship
  • (Designer Core) - The resultset shape retrieval for TVFs in SQL Server catalogs with compatibility level 14 fails due to changes inside SQL Server related to resultset schema retrieval and interleaved TVFs. A fall back retrieval method has been implemented.
  • (Runtime Libraries) - Oracle, query batching: a dangling ';' was left in some scenarios on an insert executed after the main batches. Oracle can't deal with a ';' at the end of an insert statement
  • (Runtime Libraries) - Oracle, query batching: batching of updates isn't reliable as Oracle can't report the right amount of rows affected in a batch with updates. An alternative way to obtain rowcounts has been implemented for Oracle update queries
  • (Runtime Libraries) - Selfservicing: Fetching a complex prefetch path twice with a context fails the second time with no entities in the leafs
  • (Runtime Libraries) - SQL Server, paging: specifying a query hint and a paging query directive could result in wrong SQL
  • (Runtime Libraries) - A temporal hint on a target on the left side of a join could be skipped during query generation
  • (Runtime Libraries) - VB.NET, Linq: a group join might fail if it's followed by a DefaultIfEmpty call
  • (Runtime Libraries) - InheritanceProvider.CheckIfIsSubtype() assumes a type is an entity type but it should check for that instead

How to obtain the new bits?

You'll find the new RTM releases in the downloads section below 'My Account'. Of course the RTM builds of the runtimes are also available through NuGet.

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