I would like store linked “Information”- Entities (like a tree) .
There a varying kinds of “Information”- Entities like Text, Web-site links, Pictures, etc, etc etc….(up to 20).
Each “Information”- Entity has information for region->location->Street->house (or something similar), called “location properties”.
For example, the “location properties” can have region and location information but no street and house information or can have only region information, etc, etc.
Each combination of “location properties” can have a root “Information”- Entity.
Each “Information”- Entity have a Parent “Information”- Entity and several Child “Information”- Entities. If the Parent is NULL, the “Information”- Entity is a root “Information”- Entity
“abstract” Information Entity:
InformationID integer
RegionID integer
LocationID integer
StreetID integer
HouseID integer
Text Information Entity:
TextInformationID integer
RegionID integer
LocationID integer
StreetID integer
HouseID integer
HeadingText as varchar(xxx)
DescriptionText as text
Should I use inheritance and TargetPerEntityHierarchy?
I have no idea how to manage the tree, maybe with a ParentInformationID in the “abstract” Information Entity?
One design goal is, to fetch a tree very fast. I would like to store millions of Informations.
What database design is here the “best”?
Thank you for helping
PS:Sorry for my clipped English.