Frans (Infragistics Questions)

MarcoP avatar
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# Posted on: 24-Oct-2004 23:37:30   

Frans, I noticed the LLBLGen IDE uses the mdi tabbed environment, and I was wondering where is that damn property that's let's you set the padding of the image on each tab? When I add my image, it's all the way against the left side of the tab. I'm hoping this is a changeable property.


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 25-Oct-2004 09:49:01   

I really have no idea. If I recall correctly, it's not about the padding of the image, but the tab header layout settings, thus if you want a tab that's resized or not.

Anyway, infragistics is too much of a pain to work with. With the new template editor I now work with janus systems' windows controls and even though their designers are sometimes a bit nihilistic, the controls are so much more easier to use, it saves days, maybe weeks.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 126
Joined: 26-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 25-Oct-2004 15:23:23   


Curious, have you played with Janus Schedule controls at all, we have found so far they don't appear to play nice with our LLBLGen objects and their documentation is horrid, whole sections of documentation resolved down to 1 line placeholder.

After we choose to go with LLBLGen, we did a control suite review, we eliminated Infragistics, and it was down to Janus and Developer Express. Neither one is a perfect answer, I am guessing all of them will get better with VS 2005 when Object databinding comes into its prime.

Our end decision ended up being Developer Express which works great other than needing to add a little bit of code for IList fields contained within IList fields, this is supposed to be addressed in the next update, but as is; I turned it into about 10 lines of reusable code to eliminate the issue.

Back to the original issue, was just wondering if you had any experience with the schedule control, I am being told that to avoid exceptions from being thrown we are having to disconnect the objects from the UI manipulate the objects then rehook the UI to avoid the exceptions, I can ask for more details from the developer on the exact exceptions but I know its related to adding new entities to the appointment collections.


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 25-Oct-2004 21:17:51   

I haven't played with the scheduler control, so I can't comment on its quality. If it's events that are being raised upwards which cause the control to bug, please let me know, as Janussys has a license so they can test their controls with our code.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro