Does anyone play SWG?

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# Posted on: 22-Oct-2004 20:48:19   

Just curious if there are any LLBLGen Users that have the time to play star wars galaxies and if you do, are you going to get the new jump to lightspeed upgrade?

Maybe I will see you all ingame sometime.

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# Posted on: 22-Oct-2004 20:52:08   

I play it sometimes - did not even know about the new add-on.

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# Posted on: 23-Oct-2004 00:22:55   

World of Warcraft...coming soon to 3:00 am bedtimes near you.

I can't understand why I get so sucked into these games. I deliberately stayed away from SW:G because of the insanity called Asheron's Call I got involved with. But WoW continues to beckon and I find myself on the game's homepage daily waiting for the open beta to start.

BTW, I was in the SW:G beta...didn't like it so much...


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# Posted on: 23-Oct-2004 10:22:31   

I saw some video's of the game, pretty good. However most of the time when I play a game it's Counterstrike (CS:source simple_smile ) on the PC or grandturismo 3 / GTA:VC on my PS2 simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 23-Oct-2004 19:03:12   

I am a BIG fan of strategy games like War Craft III and still play StarCraft - what a brilliant game - hehe simple_smile - starcraft by brilliant

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# Posted on: 23-Oct-2004 20:00:02   

wayne wrote:

I am a BIG fan of strategy games like War Craft III and still play StarCraft - what a brilliant game - hehe simple_smile - starcraft by brilliant

Warcraft III - w00t!

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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 11:43:25   

Welll Frans, youre in for a big surprise. In november, GTA San Andreas is comming out and so is Gran Tourismo 4.

If you guys ever want to play a mindless shooter, SW Battlefront is a killer FPS. It just burnst me that theres a 10 year old out thats better at it than me, hehe, oh well, I code better and make more money than the 10 year so i get more games stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 14:26:32   

Here's a question. I'm a total non-gamer (flame me if you will...) and I know nothing about which games are good or not.

My ten-year-old enjoys his x-box, but would like to have some good computer games. We forbid blood-and-gore shoot-em-ups in our house. What's good for the PC that doesn't spill blood by the gallon?


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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 15:36:38   

Hmm, tough question. There is a fairly large market for the younger gamers out there.

Any of the madded/EA sports games are a safe bet (I think that some things are worse on sunday TV than what you see in madden games). All of the Harry Potter Games are on PC. The Myst series is a very challenging puzzle type game. The sims is a nother fairly safe one, but sometimes you meet strange people online. Zoo Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, there was also a jurassic park game out. The simpsons road rage 2 is pretty fun.

Other than that, I cant really offer any more advice except to swing by your local best buy. All games have a rating system on them that are typically accurate.

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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 16:53:14   

I prefer online game but don't like SWG (but I love the movies hehe) I play eve online, it's imho the best online game never made simple_smile

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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 17:34:14   

swallace wrote:

Here's a question. I'm a total non-gamer (flame me if you will...) and I know nothing about which games are good or not.

My ten-year-old enjoys his x-box, but would like to have some good computer games. We forbid blood-and-gore shoot-em-ups in our house. What's good for the PC that doesn't spill blood by the gallon?


Hmm, good games: RTS: Age of Mythology Rome Total War RPG: Star Wars Knights of the old Republic -- soo good Adventure: Runaway a road adventure Broken Sword III Hilarious fun: Gish multiplayer -- both players are a ball of tar, and then you sumo or play football, with very fun physics. Neighbours from Hell 2 And maybe the sims 2.

I am 13, and those games did i play last year. IMO, blood sux, but in some games you don't really notice it, and it's more the gameplay that makes the game good: GTA.

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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 20:22:55   

IMO, first person shooters are redundant and getting very old. Sure, they add the little features here and there the make it a "whole new game", but when it's all said and done, you have a crowbar/chainsaw/shield gun, a pistol, shotgun, machine/chain gun, plasma/energy gun, a BFG of some type, a rocket get the idea.

That being said, of course I'm going to be all over Half-Life 2, Halo 2, and Battlefield 2 when they come out wink

The games I really enjoy are called Real Time Simulation games (these are the games that allow you to create bases and an army of -things- and watch them duke it out). While these are getting old and redundant as well, I have to admit that I think Warcraft III is awesome. I've been playing that steadily for months, which is the true test of a game. I've heard Rome: Total War is a pretty stinking good game as well.

Swallace, I recommend checking out an RTS game like Warcraft III. You'll be able to play against your son for hours and spend the next few hours gloating over each other. It'll be a lot of fun for both of you.


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# Posted on: 26-Oct-2004 21:46:02   

I recommend checking out an RTS game like Warcraft III

That sounds cool. He would enjoy that. I especially like the working together thing.

I remember, many moons ago, a game called Populous, which gave you awesome god-like powers over beings that grew and flourished. Sounds like Microsoft's Age of Empires is like that.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. He'll love it.


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# Posted on: 27-Oct-2004 10:10:47   

Devildog74 wrote:

Welll Frans, youre in for a big surprise. In november, GTA San Andreas is comming out and so is Gran Tourismo 4.

Yeah, I just have to finish GTA:VC still wink and GT4 is not coming to europe till spring 2005 cry

But GTA:SA is in stores tomorrow, I think I'll pick up a copy soon simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro