With all my respect, daelmo your reply is absolutely useless to me.
I asked you a simple question. Is it possible to do what I need with TDL or not.
You want to know why I need this. Why is this so important to you? The reason I need this is not relevant to solving my problem.
I know about the "button Create participating object subset" and how to not generate code for particular entity. I DON'T need that!!! I need just to skip some code generating for some entities. Here is a more detailed example and I hope this time you give me a straight answer.
This is a piece of the template: linqMetaDataAdapterADODS.template
namespace <[RootNamespace]>.EntityClasses
{<[Foreach Entity]>
[IgnoreProperties("EntityFactoryToUse","CustomPropertiesOfType", "FieldsCustomPropertiesOfType", "Validator", "AuthorizerToUse", "AuditorToUse", "Fields", "Transaction", "ConcurrencyPredicateFactoryToUse", "TypeDefaultValueProviderToUse", "PrimaryKeyFields", "LLBLGenProEntityTypeValue", "LLBLGenProEntityName", "ActiveContext", "IsDirty", "IsNew", "ObjectID", "ParticipatesInTransaction", "IsDeserializing")]
<[If HasPrimaryKey]>[DataServiceKey(<[Foreach PrimaryKeyEntityField IncludeInherited Comma]>"<[EntityFieldName]>"<[ NextForeach ]>)]<[ EndIf ]>
/// <summary>partial class for adding ADO.NET specific attributes to the generated entity class</summary>
partial class <[CurrentEntityName]>Entity
<[ NextForeach ]>
This piece of code contains a foreach loop so it is repeated for all entities. I need to have a slight different ignore properties for some specific entities. For example I want to have a property with name "MyProp" ignored only when entity is "PersonEntity". The reason is that if I put it without this entity name filter "MyProp" will be added to the "IgnoreProperties" attribute for all entities. But assume that "MyProp" is a custom property that was added to "PersonEntity" by partial class. So I will have a runtime exception that all entities except "PersonEntity" does not have a definition about such a property.
So that is the reason I need a "IF" expression that checks for exact entity name and generates the code between the "If" tag and the "<[EndIf]>" only if evaluated to true.
About the TDL/LPT - ok you are right. I should search this in your documentation before asking. However now I think that maybe the lpt is not an option for me, because I want to modify the above template which is TDL and don't want to rewrite it.
About the support, you can learn much from Otis. Every time he gives me a support it is accurate and helpful. I know that he is the guru in your team, but you should try to do what he does.