What Firewall software do you use?

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 01-Oct-2004 21:07:17   

Hi All

I am interested to know what firewall software everyone is using and what your findings with has been with it uptill now.

Please also specify weather you are using it on a server or workstation (personal firewall)

PS - Please don't include the Windows Firewall.. wink

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 01-Oct-2004 21:11:22   

I use Tiny Firewall 5.5 - Sever Edition on Win Server 2003.

It kicks butt sunglasses - It is very easy to use and comes with predefined rules that you can activate - it can also be very complex if you want to start playing with IP's and ports and define your own rules.

Uptill now i have been very happy with it and will propably upgrade to version 6.0 soon.

You won't believe the kind of crap and stunts people try on the net frowning - I just have to watch my firewall log. smile

Cadmium avatar
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# Posted on: 01-Oct-2004 21:15:42   

wayne wrote:

Hi All

I am just interested to know what firewall software everyone is using and what your findings with it has been uptill now.

Please also specify weather you are using it on a server or workstation (personal firewall)

PS - Please don't include the Windows Firewall.. wink

At home I use the built-in firewall on my linksys wrt54g. It has work well enough for the past year. At work... I don't know what we use?

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# Posted on: 04-Oct-2004 21:05:00   

Can U believe it - I've just this second got broadband at home!! I'm just using the XP SP2 firewall, I'm hoping thats good enough for home use?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 04-Oct-2004 21:25:14   

We use a vigor2200 E which has a hardware firewall internally. The XP2 firewall is ok, as long as you don't enable file and printersharing on the adapter that's connected to your broadband connection simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 05-Oct-2004 07:01:53   

The XP2 firewall is ok

a Proper firewall should be able to monitor/block outgoing traffic aswell as incoming - XP internall firewall can't monitor outgoing traffic. The reason why you need to monitor outgoing traffic is because spyware, worms, trajons and other maliciouse software can send out personal information when you connect to the net. Traditionaly the threats was coming from the outside your pc not from inside.

For example will your firewall be able to catch the following? : If program A access port X and a maliciouse program B also access port X - most firewalls won't know the difference.

Zone Alarm is a very goog personal firewall that monitors and blocks incoming and outgoing traffic.

Hardware firewalls are good for packet sniffing and port bocking but are usually not very customisable and clever.

netclectic avatar
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# Posted on: 05-Oct-2004 10:11:32   

I've been using Clark Connect on a spare box as my internet gateway for 18 months now with no problems. I also have Norton Internet Security on my main pc which i run once a week and so far it hasn't picked up anything nasty.