Forum down for maintenance in 5 minutes

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 14-Sep-2008 17:43:18   

The forum will be down for maintenance in 5 minutes from now. We'll upload v2.1 of HnD with minor tweaks and some bugfixes. It shouldn't take that long. (simple_smile )

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 14-Sep-2008 18:08:17   

And we're back!

Search is still being populated, so that will take a while. The forum now supports: - unicoded texts - a user can unmark his/her own thread as undone - several tiny bugfixes behind the scenes. - runs on v2.6 of LLBLGen Pro now.

We postponed a couple of issues to v2.5 (which has no planned release date), like the happy faces in urls and


, which turned out to be harder to fix than anticipated, however aren't a big problem on a daily basis.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 15-Sep-2008 10:40:04   

Fixed an issue with a custom entityfield which was appended to a typedlist and the .net type of the field wasn't specified.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro