Benefits of Linq

Posts: 6
Joined: 21-May-2008
# Posted on: 21-May-2008 03:56:51   

I'm glad to see such quick support for Linq because Linq is so great (they tell me).

However are there any productivity benefits to Linq queries?

Or is the only benefit that we have "abstracted the query syntax", so we can use the same queries with multiple DB vendor products (which I have no need to do).

Any feedback appreciated, LTG

Seth avatar
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# Posted on: 21-May-2008 05:37:37 wrote:

...are there any productivity benefits to Linq queries?

Or is the only benefit that we have "abstracted the query syntax", so we can use the same queries with multiple DB vendor products (which I have no need to do).

YES! I just started using them on a new project and I immediately started seeing the difference. Complicated queries before were a little verbose for me. I could get them to work eventually but it would take a bit using the predicate system afforded us. The queries using LINQ are shorter and more concise as well as easier to read.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-May-2008 09:54:08   

You also have some features at your disposal which otherwise would require manual programming. Like hierarchical projections from data from the db, projections to a custom type, grouping into a hierarchical structure (key - list of values), easier way to execute db functions, use in-memory code together with projections.

These things are all possible with our own query api as well, but they require some manual programming and it's not really straight forward.

Another benefit of our linq provider is that queries between selfservicing and adapter look exactly the same (except perhaps the linqmetadata ctor call). THis can be a benefit for people who want to switch between selfservicing and adapter: the amount of work to make the switch is much lower. simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
gabrielk avatar
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# Posted on: 21-May-2008 18:52:27   

Sound's like the best of both worlds...

Use the predicate system here, and the LINQ syntax there... It think it's time to pick up my LINQ book (freebie) from the VS.NET 2008 launch and find out which new tricks and features will be (or, I think even "ARE") at our disposal...

Great to see LLBLGen adopting/complying to generic .NET classes & functionality (in contrast to for example Web control's from third party providers as discussed in the thread about the ASPxGridview).

Just a little praise wink

Cheers, Gab