jeffreygg wrote:
Well, I'm sure no one has noticed, but I've been missing for the last 2 weeks.
Of course we noticed
Why? Simply the best reason possible: my wife gave birth to our firstborn son, Caden Gilbert. Born July 30, 2004 at 10:15, he weighed 9 lbs 2 oz. (that's like 5,000,000 Kilograms or some other number that's big for you Europians), and was 20 inches long (average size).
4.09Kg, 50.8cm
Also to the proud mother!
Why do I tell you? 'Cause I like telling people, that's why
. The last 2 weeks have been all about figuring out how in the hell a hospital lets 2 people who have never taken care of a baby before - let alone a newborn - out of the hospital without supervision. It shouldn't be allowed
Actually, the last 2 weeks have been about transition and adjustment. For 2 relatively active, free-spirited, and spontaneous people, a baby is a whole lot of transition. Sleep is precious my friends, it's precious.
I heard that of my brother who has 2 kids, you simply don't get sleep at all, but then again, it seems not to matter
But, of course, the benefits aren't small. It just takes a few smiles (ok, ok, so I know his smiles at this point are from gas, but hey...don't bother me with the details) or the sight of him sleeping to make it worth it. Besides, we get a tax deduction this year
, I think you'll need that tax deduction, diapers aren't cheap. (left alone college money)
By the way, I've noticed that there have been 164,240 posts since I was last here. Anyone want to give me the important headlines?
Not that much, other than that I'm 2 weeks passed the deadline already of the runtime libs but that we're really getting close (a few features left), so you haven't missed much
<Edit> Forgot to say that if you want to see a few pictures go to I'm having some DNS issues so if you get kicked out try again.
Heh nice photos!
Oh life is so easy and uncomplicated when you're little...