I'm trying to execute a template. It fails everytime with "object reference not..." etc. The error isn't caused by the content of the template because if i delete all my code and just have "Hello World" in there it still fails. If I delete the template i get a message saying template not found.
I'm not new to templates, but I am new to templates for version 2.5...
Heres the task definition
<taskPreset name="SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate" displayName="List ASPX">
<parameter name="destinationFolder" value="Home" />
<parameter name="filenameFormat" value="[elementName].aspx" />
<parameter name="templateID" value="ListASPX" />
<parameter name="emitType" value="allEntities" />
-----[Core exception]--------------------
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, ITask taskDefinition, Dictionary`2 parameters)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.Tasks.Task.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.Tasks.TaskGroup.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore.Generator.Start(ITaskGroup tasksToExecute, Project projectDefinition, Language languageToUse, Platform platformToUse, List`1 templateBindingsToUse, String templateGroupToUse, ApplicationConfiguration configurationSettings)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Gui.Forms.MainWindow.StartGeneratorProcess()