DvK wrote:
I read your Tweakers posts about VS 2008 beta2. I had to laugh a lot about your fantastic way of putting things the way they are concerning all VERY frustrating things we all experience with VS
I was a little disappointed though when I read your post....I was still thinking that lots of things would get better with the upcoming VS, but that was just a dream I guess...
Heh, I am also dissapointed with this release and I think that's also why I wrote that post (http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_message/28704243#28704243)
MS has replied to many requests in the past that after 2005 they'd change things, rewrite a large part of the IDE etc., but nothing happened.
The main thing that is lacking is focus. It should be an open toolbox like Eclipse, but it is a very closed set of hammers and nails which are only usable in full potential when you do as you're told by MS, and if you do things differently, you're not helped by the IDE that much...