A short message about the progress of the GUI enhancements, what's implemented, what is postponed, when to expect a beta etc.
What is/will be implemented: (*=done)
* hiding fields mapped on relations
* hiding relations
* creating / removing new relations (1:1/m:1/1:n)
* faster gui
* better entity editor
* custom properties (name-value pairs for custom values) for table/view/field/entity/field.
* connection info dialog moved into database drivers
* firebird/interbase driver (no templates yet)
* custom properties for project
* listviews in typed list/typed view will be replaced with ultrawingrids.
* other grids will be replaced by ultrawingrids
* all folder textboxes will be writable
* remove of folderbrowser -> .NET 1.1. folderbrowser
* relative destination folder in generator
* ability to specify selection of entities/typedlist/typedviews/proccalls for generator run
* some typed list bugfixes and small typed list additions
* some refactoring of typedlist code (removal of dead code)
* more settings to control save/refresh code so paranoia-mode can be switched off
* ability to move typedlist fields up/down
* ability to start a variety of actions from the project explorer (rename field, add relation etc.)
* addition of checks for corrupt PK fields, duplicate UC's in refresher and drivers
* better vs.net project file generator (i.e.: merge new files in current project file
* renaming of more elements in the project, like schema, catalog etc.
Postponed (till July-august, when the runtime upgrade of june-july is reflected in the gui)
among others:
- multi catalog support / project merge
- plugin system for the gui.
- plugin system for the interpreter.
- complete removal of Magic lib.
The removal of hte magic lib and migration to a 3rd party docking solution is postponed because it will take more time than anticipated and it works correctly at the moment. Futhermore, Janusys comes with a new suite of controls, with docking windows and other new objects, so we wait till this suite is on the market.
I know some of you will be dissapointed because of the delay in multi-catalog support, however due to the refactoring of the GUI with new controls there is no time left to add it as it will have a major impact to the code and a lot has changed already (behind the scenes) so to avoid a very long test period, we postponed it till July.
To work around the lack of a plugin system for the gui, we'll address as much issues in the gui which will make it easier to wait till july.
The plugin system for the interpreter is also postponed and will be implemented as a C# template consumer, like the core engine of codesmith. This allows people to add custom pieces of C# to a template or to run different templates in C# to work around the limitations of TDL (which is perfect for generating specific code, but not for flexible, all purpose code).
Although the list of things to do is longer than the list of things already done, the biggest amount of work has been done. Especially the relation editor and relation management code was a lot of refactoring/programming. Also the replacement of the entity field listview with the ultrawingrid took much longer than anticipated. The replacement was necessary because after 3 days of hard work (!) it was impossible to fix the issue where you change a name and then click on another field in the listview and hte name isn't changed. (see for an explanation here: http://weblogs.asp.net/fbouma/archive/2004/03/26/96701.aspx ). Because of this .NET bug (I've notified MS, being an MVP might help speeding up a fix, but nevertheless, we need a fix NOW
) 2 other listviews have to be replaced as well, however this will be easier.
Beta when?
I really hope to have a working version at the end of the first week of May. This version will not contain the Firebird driver, as the templates will be developed after the initial beta release.
As soon as the beta is out, internal testing will start and also development of teh MySql, PostgreSQL, DB2, Pervasive 8.x and Access driver will start. These development cycles have to end mid-june when the next runtime upgrade will start.
I'll post some screenshots later, probably this weekend.
(updated: 7-may-2004)
(updated: 12-may-2004)
(updated: 15-may-2004)