LLBLGen Pro v2.5 has been released to customers!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 20-Aug-2007 20:16:08   

In January 2007 we started designing and developing v2.5 of LLBLGen Pro and today is the day we finally are able to release our work to our customers smile

On wednesday the 22nd we hope to release the demo version of v2.5 as well as an updated main site to the rest of the world simple_smile .

To download the full installer of v2.5, please login with your v2.0 customer id and click on 'v2.5' at the left to get to the download section of v2.5

A BIG Thank You! goes out to all the people who have discussed with us about features for v2.5, have beta tested v2.5 and have contributed with ideas to make it even better. Thanks! smile

To answer some questions which will likely pop up: Q: Where is Template Studio v2.5? A: We couldn't get it finished today, so it will be released in the coming days

Q: Where is the documentation in PDF format? A: We're planning to release several different manuals in PDF format and to convert the documentation to these different formats takes some time. Expect it in the coming weeks

Q: I'm not a customer, where is the demo? A: It will be released on Wednesday the 22nd or thereabout.

Q: I get a crash with the designer when I create a new project on Oracle 10g saying I don't have ODP.NET installed (this is also valid for DB2 and MySql) A: We've build the drivers and DQEs for Oracle 10g ODP.NET, MySql and DB2 against the latest provider builds. We also have included builds of the drivers and dqe's against the providers used in v2.0. Please see the What's New page for details about how to use the designer with these drivers and where they're located. Also see the Using the generated code -> Compiling the code for details about the DQEs

Q: Where are the examples? A: We'll release the examples in the coming days.

Q: Is HnD already updated to the new v2.5? A: No, but we're planning to do that soon.

For the new features, please check the What's new section in the manual. It was a long period of hard work, but I think it was worth it simple_smile . For completeness, the last changelog since the RC1 build:

20-aug-2007 - REVERTED: DRIVERS: The view meta data retrieval for SqlServer has been reverted as the code turned out to be unreliable but it was unclear why. Due to time constraints we can't let this hold up the project, so we reverted the code. The routine is left in the sourcecode for users who want to utilize it. - CHANGED: RUNTIMELIBS: DaoBase.ReadRowIntoFields and DataAccessAdapterBase.ReadRowIntoFields are now protected virtual so you can add low-level value caching, for example string interning, during entity fetches. This could lower memory footprint. - ADDED: DESIGNER: Task/Taskgroup execution now log their display names together with their real names if the display name was filled in. This greatly enhances the logging value of the task execution process. - ADDED: RUNTIMELIBS: Added small guard clause in routine which collects fields to update. If there isn't a fieldpersistenceinfo object for a field (e.g. manually added field to the fieldslist) the field is skipped. - FIXED: TEMPLATES: The CustomInheritanceInfoProviderSingletonCode user code region had the wrong name. - FIXED: RUNTIMELIBS: UnitOfWork2 entities weren't serialized/deserialized properly when fast serialization was enabled. - FIXED: RUNTIMELIBS: Auditing for Update of entities directly was triggered twice (Selfservicing) - FIXED: RUNTIMELIBS: Auditing for Delete of entities directly was always called no matter if there weren't any entities affected. (selfservicing) - FIXED: DESIGNER: A discriminator field could be used as an fk field in a relation (both in custom relations and in db based relations. ). This is no longer possible: FK fields can't be made a discriminator field, and relations won't be created / can't be created between fields where one of them is a discriminator field. - FIXED: TEMPLATES: When no entities were in the project, the code didn't compile as there was still a class called CommonEntityBase which referred to a namespace which didn't exist.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 318
Joined: 22-Mar-2006
# Posted on: 20-Aug-2007 22:15:46   

CONGRATS TO THE LLBLGen TEAM for this new release !!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 08:56:35   


Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
mihies avatar
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 10:39:35   

Hey Frans, great job. Now you can start implementing LINQ support wink

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 11:00:47   

mihies wrote:

Hey Frans, great job. Now you can start implementing LINQ support wink

hehe simple_smile Yeah, well... first a week or so of 'free' time. simple_smile My new dev box (quad core) arrives next week I hope so I'll start linq dev on that one and we're not completely decided on how we'll do it: we'll do something different this time. My plans are to have a diary on the blog with the stuff I did that day on the linq provider to see how things are going. But first things first: public demo release, updated website, finalizing examples etc simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
mihies avatar
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 14:31:25   

Otis wrote:

hehe simple_smile Yeah, well... first a week or so of 'free' time. simple_smile


Otis wrote:

My new dev box (quad core) arrives next week

Great, since (I guess) you are jumping from dual core that means that you'll work twice as fast wink

Otis wrote:

I hope so I'll start linq dev on that one and we're not completely decided on how we'll do it: we'll do something different this time. My plans are to have a diary on the blog with the stuff I did that day on the linq provider to see how things are going.

I'll certainly follow the progress.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 14:57:13   

mihies wrote:

Otis wrote:

My new dev box (quad core) arrives next week

Great, since (I guess) you are jumping from dual core that means that you'll work twice as fast wink

No, just a 1GB memory box with a Xeon 3Ghz and raid 0 scsi disks simple_smile But the noise coming out of that dell box is simply too high to handle these days plus the speed is pretty limited in vs.net, as the single core limits the performance of vs.net a lot.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 15:11:09   

Well done guys. A top class job.


Posts: 79
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 19:49:43   

Congrats! Started downloading. Some don't work, like: ASP.NET 2.0 GUI generator templates (Adapter / C#) 21-aug-2007 08212007 (redirected to the frontpage)

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Aug-2007 19:58:44   

Kris wrote:

Congrats! Started downloading. Some don't work, like: ASP.NET 2.0 GUI generator templates (Adapter / C#) 21-aug-2007 08212007 (redirected to the frontpage)

Thanks! simple_smile


Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 22-Aug-2007 17:25:27   

Good job

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# Posted on: 22-Aug-2007 18:59:55   

Congrats simple_smile

This release has so much cool stuff in it!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 22-Aug-2007 19:10:24   

Answer wrote:

Congrats simple_smile

This release has so much cool stuff in it!

Thanks smile . Let's hope the major bugs are still on holiday wink (squashed one this morning though flushed . After 2 months of beta testing.. first day after release: bingo! simple_smile )

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 363
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# Posted on: 22-Aug-2007 20:50:10   

Otis wrote:

Answer wrote:

Congrats simple_smile

This release has so much cool stuff in it!

Thanks smile . Let's hope the major bugs are still on holiday wink (squashed one this morning though flushed . After 2 months of beta testing.. first day after release: bingo! simple_smile )

Well, i wouldnt expect anything less haha!

thats the way things always work out, and if they didnt, i would be worried simple_smile

One suggestion if i can, make a util that will update all the SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.NET20.dll references to the new version. (like infragistics util) smile

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# Posted on: 23-Aug-2007 01:24:26   

Good job Frans...

After you get all the lose ends tied up and take a bit of a rest, I am looking forward to a 'new planned features' thread for discussion.

I will be moving to 2.5 shortly and give it a full run! Thanks for all the work, I plan to use several of the new features...