Note: This fix is re-released on july, 10th, because of a bug in the refresher logic which threw out TypedLists for the wrong reasons. If you've downloaded the fix on the 9th, please download this re-release instead.
Available in the upgrades section of the customer area:
Released on: 10-jul-2004
Designer v1.0.2004.1
Date reflected in About Dialog: July 10th, 2004.
NOTE: This hotfix packs various elements together because the schema read update affects these various parts and they have to be downloaded together.
- close LLBLGen Pro instances
- make copy of current LLBLGen Pro installation folder.
- copy all files in this archive in the installation folder.
- If you have added the Oracle driver of your choice to the GAC manually, you have to remove that addition from the GAC and re-add this hotfix to the GAC.
* Gui/Core: new settings so the user can specify which elements to read from the schema during project creation/catalog refresh. These settings are visible in the new project dialog and the refresh dialog
* View and stored procedure DLL SQL is no longer read
FIXED Core/Designer:
* TypedList relations weren't properly migrated which caused a project file inflation every time the catalog was refreshed.
* IsNullable flag change on fields weren't reported as a project change by the catalog refresher.
* When the catalog name was changed (due to the refresh using a different server/catalog), it was not reported by the refresher as a reason to regenerate the code
* When multiple fields mapped on entityfields were selected, the group box for individual field edits wasn't disabled which allowed users to click on Is In TypedList checkbox which caused several different errors due to the multiple selection.
FIXED Database drivers (All):
* SortedList removal bug fixes during loops in tablefields/viewfields/proc params retrieval routines
FIXED Templates (SelfServicing)
* TypedListDAO didn't wire a passed in transaction object to the created command object, making it impossible to run that command inside the passed in ADO.NET transaction.