MySql users: IMPORTANT

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 24-Apr-2007 15:35:51   

As of today, the default driver dll for MySql of LLBLGen Pro v2.0 is build with Core Lab's MySqlDirect provider v4.0. The same is true for the MySql DQE dlls of the runtime libraries.

We've updated the builds of the drivers, runtime libraries and designer to make this work. We won't alienate v3.xx users of Core Lab's provider, please read on.

If you're using v4 of Core Lab's provider, you can use LLBLGen Pro as before, with the exception that you have to manually add CoreLab.Data.Dll to the VS.NET projects which also reference the MySql DQE.

If you're using v3.x of Core Lab's provider please read the following carefully to use LLBLGen Pro with v3 without problems.

Core Lab MySqlDirect v3.xx usage steps - First, upgrade your v3 of CoreLab's MySqlDirect provider to v3.55.22 or higher. This should be a free download for every v3 licensee of Core Lab's MySqlDirect provider. - We ship a MySql driver for the designer which is build against v3.55.22 of the MySqlDirect provider. To use this driver, please copy <llblgen pro installation folder>\Drivers\MySql\v355\SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDrivers.MySqlDBDriver.dll to <llblgen pro installation folder>\Drivers\MySql\ overwriting the v4 using dll. If you want to keep that driver, make a backup copy of that dll - We also ship for every .NET framework version (.NET 3.0 uses .NET 2.0 under the hood so use .NET 2.0 builds) a DQE dll build against v3.55.22 of the Core Lab provider. To use that DQE in your code, please reference <llblgen pro installation folder>\RuntimeLibraries\DotNet[i]xy\MySqlDirectv355\SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.MySql.NETxy.dll instead.

We hope this solution gives the least problems for all of you: both v4 and v3.x users of Core Lab's provider. This way v3.x users aren't forced to upgrade to v4 and v4 users can also use the best O/R mapper on the planet: LLBLGen Pro simple_smile

If you run into a problem with this, please be as specific as possible and post a thread in the bugs & issues forum or drivers forum.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 13-Jun-2007 20:56:50   

I have downloaded the latest version of llbl yesterday, as well as the drivers. I also installed the Corelab MySql provider 4, but when I try to connect to database in Llbl I get this:

Could not load file or assembly 'CoreLab.MySql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Can you help me?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 13-Jun-2007 21:11:51   

gustavoc wrote:

I have downloaded the latest version of llbl yesterday, as well as the drivers. I also installed the Corelab MySql provider 4, but when I try to connect to database in Llbl I get this:

Could not load file or assembly 'CoreLab.MySql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Can you help me?

Please contact Corelab, they should have provided a valid policy file in their installer which redirects the reference to their latest version.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2007 08:57:10   

Corelab has recognized these problems and is working on a fix.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 05-Jul-2007 05:10:48   

I purchased a copy of their MySQL direct last week. Tonight I tried to create a new project and it's already crying about a license file. I never got a license file only a useless serial number which none of their programs as for during installation. Their help file is useless and only refers to a licx file which I don't have and don't know how to create.

I hope they resolve this for me tomorrow I feel like a schmuck purchasing their product. And after reading their reply to one of your posts they seem like a bunch of smug jerks.

If you have any new information on this issue an update would be appreciated.

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# Posted on: 05-Jul-2007 09:50:34   

Try the latest installer of LLBLGen Pro. Their licensing scheme is indeed stupid, though they refuse to change it, so I can't do much about it either. The alternatives for mysql aren't usable for us, as mysql's own provider is either GPL-ed or costs a lot of money (and is buggy as well).

We can't reproduce errors anymore with license not found etc.

Do you have this error with the llblgen pro designer or with your own application ?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 05-Jul-2007 15:07:24   

I was using the 2.5 of LLBLGen designer. Started a new project selected the MySQL driver and did a connection test. Connection test failed referring to license not found. Was I supposed to do something before or after installation of LLBLGen or Corelab driver?

I've read their help and online FAQ. I don't think I'm stupid but I can't understand their license or how to use it or set it up. That stupid licx file apparently is nothing more than a reference. Why do I have a serial number if it's never going to be used? If you know a step by step or a link to one that would be great. I can't find anything on their website.

Assuming I can get past all this today and start my project. Will I have issues when I go to deploy the files to a live server? Before purchasing the corelab driver I emailed and told them I was scared of their licensing scheme. They literally responded with "what's so scary about our license". well this and worse if it happens live.

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# Posted on: 05-Jul-2007 15:40:31   

briankb wrote:

I was using the 2.5 of LLBLGen designer. Started a new project selected the MySQL driver and did a connection test. Connection test failed referring to license not found. Was I supposed to do something before or after installation of LLBLGen or Corelab driver?

No that should be it. I have to note: the MySql fixes to make their crud work was added to the beta in the june 22nd build. If you're using the June 14th build of the 2.5 beta, it will never work, get a later beta. I'll see if I can repro the error you're seeing.

I've read their help and online FAQ. I don't think I'm stupid but I can't understand their license or how to use it or set it up. That stupid licx file apparently is nothing more than a reference. Why do I have a serial number if it's never going to be used? If you know a step by step or a link to one that would be great. I can't find anything on their website.

The serial number is indeed something you don't need you download pre-build final builds from their secure site and that's it simple_smile . The licx file is necessary for your own app. Their docs contains a page called 'Licensing', it's in the beginning of the TOC of the chm file.

It describes what to do when and what. A year ago or so they didn't have this page and it was a true nightmare, with this page it's a bit more understandable.

It's not OK though. We have to add a special file as a resource to the designer to make it work, even though their licensing page says that it should work OK.

Assuming I can get past all this today and start my project. Will I have issues when I go to deploy the files to a live server? Before purchasing the corelab driver I emailed and told them I was scared of their licensing scheme. They literally responded with "what's so scary about our license". well this and worse if it happens live.

What you do with your own app is add a licenses.licx file with a line which points to the corelab assembly (full name) and that's about it. I do know there were some issues with but they seem to have solved that.

As you might have read elsewhere here, we had our share of fun with their licensing stuff, and if things go wrong with their licensing stuff, I simply refer to their helpdesk as they have to solve their problems. If it's something we have to solve, we will of course.

(edit) I can connect fine to our mysql databases using the beta.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 05-Jul-2007 16:48:05   

You are right. I replaced my older beta with the latest and it worked. Sorry for clogging up this thread. Feel free to clean it up as you see fit.

Big Thanks for all your help. I've yet to hear from CoreLab via their forum or email...

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 05-Jul-2007 18:39:57   

briankb wrote:

You are right. I replaced my older beta with the latest and it worked. Sorry for clogging up this thread. Feel free to clean it up as you see fit.

Oh no problem simple_smile Glad it's working simple_smile

Big Thanks for all your help. I've yet to hear from CoreLab via their forum or email...

That will likely take a few days... wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 05-Sep-2007 20:04:57   


I have some troubles getting the version of corelab to work with llblgen 2.5. llblgen says:

Die Datei oder Assembly CoreLab.MySql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701 oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

i have it in gac with version

it seems like the newer version (25 instead of 22) is not accepted. can you please help me?

thanks in advance

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# Posted on: 05-Sep-2007 20:08:07   

i have also tried to get this to work (inside LLBLGenPro.exe.config):

<dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="CoreLab.MySql" publicKeyToken="09af7300eec23701" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly>

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# Posted on: 06-Sep-2007 08:36:32   

the binding redirect as described in the post before did work, i have made a typing error in the file...

use this in case llblgen cannot load the correct corelab driver: <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="CoreLab.MySql" publicKeyToken="09af7300eec23701" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly>

it's better not to do those things after a long day of coding wink