Adding another project/namespace to my preset tasks

Posts: 403
Joined: 05-Jul-2006
# Posted on: 16-Mar-2007 16:27:59   

Sql Server Adapter 2.0

for the sake of examples I'm using NorthWind db. I add DTOs to my tasks using post

I can get all this to generate within 2 projects. Now I would like to seperate this into 3 projects. More for proof of concept, nothing concrete.

so I have it generating 3 projects. like so: [projectName]\BLL DTOs [projectName]\Model DB Generic [projectName]\DAL Adapter (DB Specific)

the directory name is literaly [projectName]. how can I change this to read NorthWind without hardcoding the value?

how can i modify the RootNamespace value so the templates produce namespaces like NorthWind.BLL.DTOClasses NorthWind.Model.EntityClasses NorthWind.DLL.DatabaseSpecific

Posts: 934
Joined: 12-Feb-2004
# Posted on: 17-Mar-2007 01:40:37   

One thing you could do is to set the AdapterDbGenericSubFolderName to the project name and use [dbgenericSubFolder]\BLL and so on for the folder name. I'm not sure what the tag is for the Project name in this situation.

For the namespace I believe that you can do this by using the setting the UseRootNameSpace property of the VsNetProject task to false and defining the namespace inside of projectName.