I am in the initial phases of designing a reporting system. deployment will take place in phases.[ul]phase 1: frame work, GUI, critical reports.
phase 2: important reports
phase 3: useful reports
phase 4: additional reports[/ul]you get the idea.
I had the thought that "plug-in" reporting would be very ideal, this way I wouldn't need to alter my existing assemblies just to add 1:n reports. I found this article on MSDN which onlines how to add plug-ins for logical stuff [http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972962.aspx]. but i don't see how the gui could be added.
in it's simplest form:
my code for BLL
my code for controllers (reports, GUI,...)
X number of report plug-ins.
my thought for the GUI is to load all the plug-ins, have the user select which reports to generate. each report would have it's own GUI with the input options specific to that report. the reports are different enough that I think this is a better option than creating a single generic GUI and then hiding/displaying controls.
the 1st GUI will be a web app, but i want to leave it open for desktop, webservices, and the like. How would i go about incorprating GUI controls/interfaces into the plug-in? so the framework knows to get the gui from the plug-in.
it's still the early phases so if any one has comments, critiques or insights. I am more than will to discuss.