Is it possible to view the source code of the lpt template while debugging?
Using the tutorial "Debuggin Lpt templates" within the Template Studio Documentation I was able to get so far as launching VS2005 as the debugger. However I receive a prompt saying that sourcecode is not availabe. I have tried hitting OK and moved on as suggested by the tutorial but I find it extremely difficult to figure out where I am within the code. Choosing "step into" or "continue" does not take me to the breakpoint as far as I know. When using the immediate window and typing "this" I receive this message:
__outputWriter: {System.IO.StreamWriter}
_activeObject: {SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.Entities.EntityDefinition}
_executingGenerator: {SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore.Generator}
_parameters: Count = Cannot evaluate expression because the code of the current method is optimized.
Also, what is the correct format for "templateAssemblySourceFileFormat"? Is this the missing piece to the puzzle? I was unable to find any example with the forum or docs.