This was VERY helpful to me, and I wanted others to have this tidbit as it helped me get a clue as to what was going on.
I made the little batch file below to add add a "//startof <TemplateName>" and a "//endof <TemplateName>" to each template in the directory it is ran in.
The next time you generate you will finnally have a clue where everything is coming from.
Create a "Comment.Bat" with this as the text:
@for %%f in (*.template) do (
@echo //startof %%f > %%f_temp
@Type "%%f" >> %%f_temp
@echo //endof %%f >> %%f_temp
@Move /Y "%%f_temp" "%%f"
Note: This will also add the comments your "appconfig.template" (and xml does not use '//' to comment) if your using the LLBL created project directly, this will cause problems unless you remove the added lines.
This it won't be an issue if you are Refrencing from another Project as it will run using that projects '.config'.