Know anygood Firebird Forums?

wayne avatar
Posts: 611
Joined: 07-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 21-Jun-2004 10:45:09   

Hi Guys!

I am looking for a good firebird database forum. I have been using but the responds are very slow - maybe a respond every 2 - 3 days - if you are lucky.

I have also tried the firebird yahoo groups - but that sucks as it is Email correspondence - don't know why they don't use a proper forum!!

So, do you know about any good forums for Firebird?

Otis - If you are reading this - how will i go about creating entites in LLBLGen around the system tables for FB and M$ SQL Server? - I need to extract meta data - especially for SQL Server (currently using Adapters & datasets...)

Posts: 31
Joined: 02-Jun-2004
# Posted on: 21-Jun-2004 14:52:34   

wayne wrote:

I have also tried the firebird yahoo groups - but that sucks as it is Email correspondence - don't know why they don't use a proper forum!!

Not sure if will be of help, but, you can configure your settings on the firebird support list at yahoo for sent no email and access the it using the newsgroup server:

wayne avatar
Posts: 611
Joined: 07-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 21-Jun-2004 15:02:49   

Hi carlos

Thanks - i noticed that the Yahoo groups now support RSS.

So this will be sort of a fix - as i can search trough the postingssimple_smile
