Infragistics crap: Cntrl A in grid?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 13:01:32   

Does anyone know how I can switch on cntrl-A behavior in the wingrid of Infragistics? Apparently it doesn't seem there. I can add a lame button to mimic the behavior but I don't buy controls to do extra work.

After working for a month or so with the Vol.1 controls I can say that overall they work, but getting there is a pain. If you have the ability to choose between control suites, skip Infragisitcs, it's not worth the money.

Especially when you consider that they do not mention if a new upgrade is released. I purchased the controls 1.5 month ago. TOday they released vol.2. No word of that when I purchased vol 1. I CAN'T upgrade to vol.2, which makes my vol.1. already legacy code.

If I had the time I would reverse the inclusion of Infragistics controls, but for the time being they have to be included as release of the new gui updates is near.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 16:42:38   

Have you tried Xceed's grid? I've had great success with it. Very flexible and customizable. Extensible enough that I was able to write custom cell editors without too much trouble (like making a custom 'drop-down' list for cells in a column but making it so only certain cells in the column had the drop-down based on data in other cells in the row.)

Fishy avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 16:45:14   

Otis wrote:

Does anyone know how I can switch on cntrl-A behavior in the wingrid of Infragistics?


    Private Sub grdGroups_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles grdGroups.KeyDown
        Static ctrl As Boolean
        Dim i As Integer

        If e.KeyCode = Keys.ControlKey Then
            ctrl = True
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If e.KeyCode = Keys.A And ctrl Then
            For i = 0 To grdGroups.Rows.Count - 1
                grdGroups.Rows(i).Selected = True
        End If

        ctrl = False
    End Sub

I know, it should have been built in rage

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 16:58:45   

Thanks Fishy simple_smile I'll give it a try.

Trig: no I haven't. The irony is that Janus systems gave us a license to their grid, which I find pretty ok, and because I'm an MVP I received a license for DevExpress controls as well, a day after we bought a license to the Infragistics' controls simple_smile (for the tab controls btw)

Ah well... Life's all about choices wink .

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
netclectic avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 17:29:04   

Otis wrote:

and because I'm an MVP I received a license for DevExpress controls as well

Not used their webforms controls but we've had a lot of problems with their aspx grid, although i must admit their support guys have been very good.

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 18:04:19   

netclectic wrote:

Otis wrote:

and because I'm an MVP I received a license for DevExpress controls as well

Not used their webforms controls but we've had a lot of problems with their aspx grid, although i must admit their support guys have been very good.

Their stuff seems to be ok indeed, although coderush is falling apart with a rather large file or project. (tested it with a project with 600 entities stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye oopppsssss) simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
bertcord avatar
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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 19:30:03   

netclectic wrote:

Otis wrote:

and because I'm an MVP I received a license for DevExpress controls as well

Not used their webforms controls but we've had a lot of problems with their aspx grid, although i must admit their support guys have been very good.

I have some problems with DevEx grids also....but it seems from any control I have used or form what I have heard from others is that most controls give some problems.

The one thing is Devexpress attempts to resolve issues. My biggest complaint with DevExpress is their lack of samples and design for people that do not use design time. All of my grids are generated from code behind.

The main issues I have had are 1. Default behavior of focused row, no way to unfocused row via client side script (at least I have not figure out how to) 2. Cannot alter cell contents using Iten_Created or Item_DataBound. I have a work around for this using template columns but it is not pretty 3. I could not get the styles working correctly via style this could be a lack of my understanding but my work around is to apply styles directly to the elements

Just curios as to the issues you had. If you want me to elaborate on my issues I can.


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# Posted on: 15-Jun-2004 19:31:34   

Otis wrote:

netclectic wrote:

Otis wrote:

and because I'm an MVP I received a license for DevExpress controls as well

Not used their webforms controls but we've had a lot of problems with their aspx grid, although i must admit their support guys have been very good.

Their stuff seems to be ok indeed, although coderush is falling apart with a rather large file or project. (tested it with a project with 600 entities stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye oopppsssss) simple_smile

I really hope telerik decides to build a web grid... I've got a license for just about every one of their products now. Those guys are great.

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# Posted on: 16-Jun-2004 00:37:21   

Trig wrote:

Their stuff seems to be ok indeed, although coderush is falling apart with a rather large file or project. (tested it with a project with 600 entities stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye oopppsssss) simple_smile

I really hope telerik decides to build a web grid... I've got a license for just about every one of their products now. Those guys are great.

I've been using llblgen + infragistics vol 2 + DotNetNuke 2 for the past month and so far I haven't had any problems other than learning how to properly use the tools. Though sometimes learning the tools takes just as long as it would take to roll my own.

my .02...

netclectic avatar
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# Posted on: 16-Jun-2004 10:39:25   

bertcord wrote:

My biggest complaint with DevExpress is their lack of samples and design for people that do not use design time. All of my grids are generated from code behind.

Same here, all our grids are generated dynamically.

bertcord wrote:

The main issues I have had are 1. Default behavior of focused row, no way to unfocused row via client side script (at least I have not figure out how to) 2. Cannot alter cell contents using Iten_Created or Item_DataBound. I have a work around for this using template columns but it is not pretty 3. I could not get the styles working correctly via style this could be a lack of my understanding but my work around is to apply styles directly to the elements

  1. Haven't come across that one (yet), i'll make a note of though cos we're about to start doing the client side bits for the grid.

  2. Not tried that, we use a nice generic method for databinding all our controls. Although, we had to do a bit of jiggery pokery to handle the grid. We've had to use template columns which as you say is not pretty but they are powerful and enable us to use any of our custom controls for editing in the grid.

  3. We've had a lot of problems with styles, specifically with sizing of the grid. Our grids have to fit in a very specific defined size and trying to get the grid to adhere to the sizes specificed has been a nightmare.

Other problems we encountered include:

  1. problems with grid being parented in a naming container.
  2. scrollbars & paging
  3. it has to be databound before you can get the changed data out of the editing controls (which just seems wrong).

So far we've manage to resolve all the problems we've encountered thanks to the support guys. A couple of them were real bugs which should be sorted in a future release (if not already).

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 16:37:32   

Hi Ots

Have you sorted this problem out? Is there a secret 3 key press double mouse click thing, that i need to know about?confused wink

Using release June 28 - The selection box Grid for SProcs and Entities does not have Cntrl-A option - there is also no button. As i mentioned before we have 1800 + sprocs - not all of them are in the DAL and we are adding them as needed. The button on the screen says 'Toggle selected rows' - ofcourse only 1 is selected.

Okay found the secret keyssimple_smile - Only way to select all is Shift click top & buttom. Not very nice peterdisappointed

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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 17:08:48   

I just purchased the Netadvantage suite volume 2, actually i got a subscription...but thats the version i am using. So far, i am VERY impressed by them, but i have to admit i have only used 3 controls so far and all of them are (webtree, webgrid, and webmenu). You cant beat what you get for the money, IMHO smile

I've been using llblgen + infragistics vol 2 + DotNetNuke 2 for the past month and so far I haven't had any problems other than learning how to properly use the tools. Though sometimes learning the tools takes just as long as it would take to roll my own.

I hear ya on that one, i spent at least an hour last night trying to figure out how the hell to change the text on the buttons in my button column. cry

Fishy avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 17:51:21   

Hi Otis,

Didn't this code work?

 Private Sub grdGroups_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles grdGroups.KeyDown
Static ctrl As Boolean
Dim i As Integer

If e.KeyCode = Keys.ControlKey Then
ctrl = True
Exit Sub
End If

If e.KeyCode = Keys.A And ctrl Then
For i = 0 To grdGroups.Rows.Count - 1
grdGroups.Rows(i).Selected = True
End If

ctrl = False
End Sub

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 19:11:42   

wayne wrote:

Hi Ots

Have you sorted this problem out? Is there a secret 3 key press double mouse click thing, that i need to know about?confused wink

Official response from Infragistics: not supported, please add a feature request.

Well, I want to but I'll never benefit from it because upgrades are only for subscribers.

Using release June 28 - The selection box Grid for SProcs and Entities does not have Cntrl-A option - there is also no button. As i mentioned before we have 1800 + sprocs - not all of them are in the DAL and we are adding them as needed. The button on the screen says 'Toggle selected rows' - ofcourse only 1 is selected.

Select first, select last while holding shift.

Okay found the secret keyssimple_smile - Only way to select all is Shift click top & buttom. Not very nice peterdisappointed

It's the best I can do, sorry.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 19:12:48   

Fishy wrote:

Hi Otis,

Didn't this code work?

 Private Sub grdGroups_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles grdGroups.KeyDown
Static ctrl As Boolean
Dim i As Integer

If e.KeyCode = Keys.ControlKey Then
ctrl = True
Exit Sub
End If

If e.KeyCode = Keys.A And ctrl Then
For i = 0 To grdGroups.Rows.Count - 1
grdGroups.Rows(i).Selected = True
End If

ctrl = False
End Sub

It did, but this had a serious problem: it only worked in some situations, not all situations did work... (related to focus). So I decided not to use this workaround...

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Fishy avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 19:56:43   

Perhaps changing "ctrl" variable to public on the form and setting it to false on the grids lostfocus/gotfocus events.

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 09-Jul-2004 14:02:37   

It's the best I can do, sorry.

What about a button that inverts your selection?simple_smile

So if none are selected you press it - and da! da! all rows are it again and all are the ones you dont want and press button - then all that you wanted will be selected.

Its a bit of a workaround but you can remove the button once you get a proper grid with Cntrl-A support.simple_smile

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 09-Jul-2004 14:11:36   

The problem is the routine which does the actual selection. It has to loop through all the rows, and with f.e. 1000 procs that will take a while. Shift click will be more efficient.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Rhywun avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Jan-2005 05:26:26   

Trig wrote:

Have you tried Xceed's grid?

If I may digress a bit... I've just downloaded these Xceed components and I'm very impressed. The data grid seems to work very well with LLBL Gen. And the price is reasonable too, much lower than other suites, about $350 includes the grid plus menus, toolbars, etc. Anyone else using these components? I'm curious if other people have any experience with them. Thanks...