Follow up: when .NET 3.0 was publicly released, I looked into the docs of WCF and was looking for evidence to feed my fear that I had to write a lot of code to get llblgen pro even support this new stuff.
Though all I saw was documentation and examples about decorated interfaces for SERVICES and that using a decorated interface was the preferred way.
I missed the datacontract part, though it's not really interesting, as an entity is more than just the data: additional information is stored inside the entity which isn't included in the datacontract, IMHO.
What's frustrating me a bit is that it's hard (read: impossible without serious problems) to have a data-access solution without knowledge of additional frameworks in which the data objects are used. This is upside down, the consumed object has to know things about the consumer object (wcf code) which should be the other way around: what if another framework which also consumes data / entities gets popular?
If there is essential code needed for W*F in llblgen pro, we'll of course add it in 2.1 with a .NET 3.0 only build, but at the moment I doubt it as several people have successfully used 2.0 entities in WCF scenario's.
Though I want to look broarder: if there has to be support code in the framework which makes it very easy to create DTO graphs from entity graphs and vice versa, we should look into that and see if we can expand our projection code for this.
This WILL give severe problems, which are also plaguing current ADO.NET vNext designs: what to do with an entity which comes from the client and which isn't new? How does the server know this data is of an entity which exists already and therefore an update has to be done, without fetching the data first (inefficient) ?
What I want to focus on is code which supports the best way of working with a technique. If the best way is to send DTO's or messages decorated over the wire, then code to make that happen in the most easiest way is necessary. If it means there's no real consensus what's best, then I'll look at the code and decide what's best, what more can I do? Implement all gazillion ways of how the professional SOA priests think you should design an application today (and tomorrow it's likely different)? I don't think that's even doable left alone workable.
Moving forward
So please work with me here. I'm not here to whine about you all being wrong as I don't know if I'm even understanding enough about webservices to be allowed to be in this thread, so please don't get me wrong.
What I need is feedback about what has to be CHANGED to make things WORK in the case that it DOESN'T WORK TODAY. (so you want to use WCF and llblgen pro and it is impossible for you to create your software)
If it works TODAY, then there's no necessary change required and it falls in the 'nice to have' category (which is very crowded ).
Again, please understand that a SOA application can be written in a lot of different ways. All these different ways ask for different approaches towards services, what's send across the wire etc. What I need is a generic approach which can work with the code available in .NET 3.0.
So let's start with a simple question: DOES llblgen pro v2.0 code work with WCF today or doesn't it work? (and with 'doesn't work' I mean: you can't use llblgen pro in wcf applications TODAY).