Before I begin, I got my idea from the way that Axosoft OnTime supports custom fields and picklists for defects and fetures. Ontime is free and you can see their DB schema and what it looks like after you make your changes. They do some things a bit differently than I will describe below, but the schema is pretty much the same.
Here is my architechture:
Table Specs:
Create Table CustomField
CustomFieldId int identity primary key,
FieldType int not null --Determines the data type / picklist, 1=Date, 2=Number, 3=Picklist,
RecordType int not null --Determines the functional area 1=Organization, 2=Student, 3=Manager, etc.,
PickListId int not null default(0) -- is the PK of the picklist that is used for the custom field,
StringSize int default 8,
Format varchar(20) --is the .NET format, i.e. {0:0.00} for money, etc,
DisplayOrder int,
FieldLabel varchar(50) -- is the user defined name of the field.
Create Table OrganizationCustomFields
OrganizationId int identity primary key
Thats it for tables. I have a XXXCustomFields table for each table that they can create custom fields for. Creation of new custom field entities cause an alter table to be executed on OrganizationCustomFields which creates the new field in the table using the appropriate TableFieldName and data type. Deletion of CustomFieldEntities also cause the field to be removed from the OrganizationCustomFields table using similar alter table logic.
Sample data CustomField:
Row1: 1, Custom_1, 1,1,0,8,{0
},0,Date Created
Row2: 2, Custom_2, 2,1,0,8,{0:0},0,Your Organization Id
So, after creating the 2 custom fields above, the OrganizationCustomField table looks like this:
OrganizationId int identity,
Custom_1 smalldatetime,
Custom_2 int
After a user interacts with the UI, to add some data for an organization, the data in the OrganizationCustomField table will look like this:
1, 10/12/2004, 111222
2, 10/13/2004, 222111
My structure is a bit more advanced, because I need to factor in culture as well, because the dynamic data is localizable.
On the UI side of things, there a few things that need to be done to make your life easier.
Create some controller methods to fetch custom field labels. Create some controller methods to fetch custom field values.
In my scenario I have an organization entity, that has organization custom field data, as well as the relating custom fields collection for the given record type, i.e. Organization. So I can take these 3 objects and build controls for data collection and conrols for display purposes.
Because my XXXCustomFields entities are always changing, I have a stored proc that just says select * from XXXCustomFields where XXXId = @KeyValue. These types of stored procedures do code generate well.
Also keep in mind, that in my scenario, I dont make any business descisions whatsoever on the custom field data. It is just a mechanism that allows users to customize the data they want to select and display.
Hope this helps.