Question on reverse engineering generated code into UML model

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Joined: 16-Nov-2006
# Posted on: 20-Nov-2006 16:02:13   


Currently we use enterprise architect to reverse engineer a lot of C# .NET code so I'd obviously like to reverse engineer another project we've recently had to start re working which uses llblgen.

I'd like your thoughts on the best way to do this. If you try and import the generated classes e.g. PurchaseOrderEntity and PurchaseOrderEntityBase you end up with a ton of propreties of which only a few are useful for the majority of readers of the model.

Enterprise Architect provides options to filter the properties visible by protection level however you still end up with a lot of properties which aren't that useful e.g. for a property such as TelephoneAddress you can have

AlwaysFetchTelephoneAddress TelephoneAddressReturnsNewIfNotFound GetSingleTelephoneAddress

amongst many others. Some of these are public so it's not easy to differentiate them. Perhaps we could change the generated code to use custom attributes on those properties which are important such as TelephoneAddress, could we do this using the template toosl for llblgen if this is a worthwhile approach persuing

Let me know your thoughts


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Nov-2006 09:48:04   

Moved to architecture.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 93
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# Posted on: 21-Nov-2006 10:22:42   

Why not use DTO templates and create the model from generated dto classes?

I haven't tried DTO-templates out myself, but if they are what I suppose they are, this should do the trick.

jbb avatar
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# Posted on: 22-Nov-2006 15:28:37   


why don't you made a reverse engineering from the database structure it will send you all the dbgeneric model(except if you create custom typedlist)?

Posts: 93
Joined: 28-Oct-2005
# Posted on: 23-Nov-2006 10:16:59   

I am interested about various options here myself too since we use EA also for various tasks. Anyway, I came up with the same thought as jbb, creating the model from DB.

But, that is just that, a DB model. Your llblgen model is not the same, you might have excluded and/or renamed tables/columns. You also want methods in your model, which naturally are not in your db model. Not talking about llblgen related methods, but about business logic.