I´m trying to generate the below structure using TDL notation.
public User(System.Int32 UserId, System.String Name, System.String NickName)
this.userId = UserId;
this.name = Name;
this.nickName = NickName;
Using TDL notation:
public <[ CurrentEntityName ]>( <[ Foreach EntityField ]> <[ TypeOfField ]> <[ EntityFieldName Comma ]> <[ NextForeach ]> )
<[ Foreach EntityField ]>
this.<[CaseCamel EntityFieldName]> = <[EntityFieldName]>;
<[ NextForeach ]>
The Result:
public User( System.Int32 UserId, System.String Name, System.String NickName, )
this.userId = UserId;
this.name = Name;
this.nickName = NickName;
My problema is with the last comma on the method parameters. How I can omit the last comma?
Sorry my poor english, it isn´t my first language.