I'm using VS 2005, and there is a list of my "Must have" free tools: This list is limited to free tools tightly related to .Net and VS IDE.
*) VS Properties Extender 1.1 - Add Find box to visual studio property grid http://www.acorns.com.au/projects/vsaddins/
*) Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector http://www.aisto.com/roeder/dotnet/
*) Hawkeye - The .Net Runtime Object Editor http://www.acorns.com.au/hawkeye/
*) Gaston Milano's CoolCommands 3.0 for Visual Studio 2005 http://weblogs.asp.net/gmilano/archive/2006/05/10/446010.aspx
*) CopySourceAsHtml http://www.jtleigh.com/people/colin/software/CopySourceAsHtml/
*) Smart Paster 1.1 http://weblogs.asp.net/alex_papadimoulis/archive/2004/05/25/141400.aspx
Did you know some others useful tools?
*) DXCore - let's you extend VS easily in any way you want http://www.devexpress.com/Downloads/NET/IDETools/DXCore/
*) Visualizers (too lazy to search for links :-))
*) RegEx tools (again, too lazy :-))
Not particular tools, but a couple places you can go to find more:
Powertoys Weblog http://blogs.msdn.com/powertoys/default.aspx
There there are the MS Powertoys like:
MSBee (build environment evert) lets you target .net 1.1 with VS 2005. VSCmdShell - a shell window inside studio http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/powertoys/
And of course the not to be missed unless you live under a rock: Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ScottHanselmans2006UltimateDeveloperAndPowerUsersToolListForWindows.aspx