DDL SQL Templates released!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 01-Sep-2006 18:37:37   

Together with the Project converter, we also released the first beta of the DDL SQL templates! These templates allow you to generate DDL SQL scripts from a loaded project, so you can convert a project from one db to another, and using the result generate DDL SQL. You can also use the templates to generate DDL SQL for your current project of course.

Enclosed is also a template to generate SqlServer CE DDL SQL, so it's easy to migrate a database to SqlServer CE.

Please see the enclosed readme for details. It's planned to migrate these templates into the LLBLGen Pro installer soon.

To download the templates, please go to the v2.0 download area and scroll down to the Tasks and Templates section.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 06-Sep-2006 15:29:24   

Otis wrote:

Together with the Project converter, we also released the first beta of the DDL SQL templates! These templates allow you to generate DDL SQL scripts from a loaded project, so you can convert a project from one db to another, and using the result generate DDL SQL. You can also use the templates to generate DDL SQL for your current project of course.

Enclosed is also a template to generate SqlServer CE DDL SQL, so it's easy to migrate a database to SqlServer CE.

Please see the enclosed readme for details. It's planned to migrate these templates into the LLBLGen Pro installer soon.

To download the templates, please go to the v2.0 download area and scroll down to the Tasks and Templates section.

Interesting... is migrating to SQL CE the most common use for these DDL scripts? How does it handle changes to the database schema?

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 06-Sep-2006 15:36:30   

alexdresko wrote:

Otis wrote:

Together with the Project converter, we also released the first beta of the DDL SQL templates! These templates allow you to generate DDL SQL scripts from a loaded project, so you can convert a project from one db to another, and using the result generate DDL SQL. You can also use the templates to generate DDL SQL for your current project of course.

Enclosed is also a template to generate SqlServer CE DDL SQL, so it's easy to migrate a database to SqlServer CE.

Please see the enclosed readme for details. It's planned to migrate these templates into the LLBLGen Pro installer soon.

To download the templates, please go to the v2.0 download area and scroll down to the Tasks and Templates section.

Interesting... is migrating to SQL CE the most common use for these DDL scripts? How does it handle changes to the database schema?

The most common use for these DDL scripts is when you use them in combination of the project converter, also now in beta. You then for example convert your sqlserver project to Oracle, and generate Oracle DDL SQL from that project to create the DB on oracle. simple_smile Instant fields in the right order etc. etc.

Creating the DB on SqlCE can be a pain, so the DDL SQL script can help there as well. You then have to do manually upgrades after that yourself of course, but IMHO in most cases the CE db is more or less a temp db used for a local app, so it can be wiped clean and re-build.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 20-Sep-2006 11:59:36   

Otis wrote:

Together with the Project converter, we also released the first beta of the DDL SQL templates! These templates allow you to generate DDL SQL scripts from a loaded project, so you can convert a project from one db to another, and using the result generate DDL SQL. You can also use the templates to generate DDL SQL for your current project of course.

Enclosed is also a template to generate SqlServer CE DDL SQL, so it's easy to migrate a database to SqlServer CE.

Please see the enclosed readme for details. It's planned to migrate these templates into the LLBLGen Pro installer soon.

To download the templates, please go to the v2.0 download area and scroll down to the Tasks and Templates section.

Just a question: why the readme say "MS Access doesn't support DDL SQL statements"? I'm not an expert of DDL, but to my knowledge MS Access support various DDL instruction (Create Table, Alter Table, Create View...)

But, I don't know if the supported DDL is enough, nor if it's "standard" DDL.

Thanks, Max

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 20-Sep-2006 12:26:57   

I couldn't find a way to execute DDL SQL on access. So it will be very tedious, to execute it per statement. simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 20-Sep-2006 12:53:48   

Otis wrote:

I couldn't find a way to execute DDL SQL on access. So it will be very tedious, to execute it per statement. simple_smile

Ah, you are right simple_smile I turn around this "feature" writing a simple tool that accept SQL statements, and execute them.sunglasses

The trade-off is to generate SQL Statements so that each statement is on a single line; this permitted me to create a very simple tool that split "TheBigStatementsString" on VbCrLf, and exec every single statement abainst the DB simple_smile

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# Posted on: 20-Sep-2006 17:51:43   

Very cool addon simple_smile

Posts: 125
Joined: 27-Jan-2005
# Posted on: 09-Oct-2007 11:04:36   

IMHO a very usefull template.

The .sql file comprised the whole catalog. What must I change, that the .sql file comprised only the mapped entities and columns?

Regards, Carlo