Jeff wrote:
Frans -
Not big, but would be helpful...
Sometimes I want to create non-persisted fields that have to be remotable. It's easy enough to do it manually, and your user code regions support it well, but an interface in the UI would be nice.
Just a thought.
that would require a way to define the field inside the designer as well. I thought about that, but I dropped it because the editor would always mimic a code editor you already have available: VS.NET and it would hardly be less actions than simply typing the few lines of code in the VS.NET code editor.
All the best. Happy 4th of July!
(Oops... you guys don't do that... do you?)
No, we were never dependent of England and although our government does everything Bush says we're not (yet) a state of the US
. Though I wish you have a great 4th of July, Jeff