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Need Help on Ultragrid with VB 6
Posts: 1
Joined: 06-Jun-2006
Joined: 06-Jun-2006
# Posted on: 06-Jun-2006 08:45:25
Can someone help me on ultragrid? I need to add row in that grid... I have 3 bands... 1 parent and 2 child... I only allow addnew at band 2... Nah, i have a problem after insert data in the row.... When i clik the other row on the grid there's always error warning cannot insert null to table .... or statement is terminated.. whereas i dont use data binding on my ultragrid...
Here's my codes:
/*** to insert data to the grid... ***/
rs.Open sql, gConShape, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
Set rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set UGridPgwas.DataSource = rs
Set rs = Nothing
/*** to initialize the grid ***/
Private Sub InitGrid()
Dim ssCol As SSColumn
UGridPgwas.AddNewBox.Hidden = False
UGridPgwas.AddNewBox.Prompt = "Untuk Tambah Data -->"
UGridPgwas.AddNewBox.Style = ssAddNewBoxStyleCompact
UGridPgwas.UpdateMode = ssUpdateOnUpdate
UGridPgwas.Override.FetchRows = ssFetchRowsPreloadWithParent
UGridPgwas.UpdateMode = ssUpdateOnRowChange
UGridPgwas.InterBandSpacing = 0
With UGridPgwas.Bands(0)
.ColHeaderLines = 1
.AddButtonCaption = " "
For Each ssCol In .Columns
ssCol.Hidden = True
Set ssCol = Nothing
With .Override
.AllowAddNew = ssAllowAddNewNo
.RowSizing = ssRowSizingAutoFree
.CellMultiLine = ssCellMultiLineTrue
.RowSizingArea = ssRowSizingAreaEntireRow
.HeaderClickAction = ssHeaderClickActionSortMulti
End With
With UGridPgwas.Bands(1)
For Each ssCol In .Columns
ssCol.Hidden = True
End With
With UGridPgwas.Bands(1)
.ColHeaderLines = 1
.AddButtonCaption = " "
For Each ssCol In .Columns
ssCol.Hidden = True
Set ssCol = Nothing
With .Override
.AllowAddNew = ssAllowAddNewNo
.RowSizing = ssRowSizingAutoFree
.CellMultiLine = ssCellMultiLineTrue
.RowSizingArea = ssRowSizingAreaEntireRow
.HeaderClickAction = ssHeaderClickActionSortMulti
End With
With .Columns("kdmtk")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 0
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.Width = 810
.Header.Caption = "Kdmtk"
.Hidden = False
End With
With .Columns("Kelas")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 1
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.Width = 810
.Header.Caption = "Kelas"
.Hidden = False
End With
With .Columns("jmpst")
.Header.Caption = "Jml Pst"
.Header.VisiblePosition = 2
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.Width = 810
.Hidden = False
End With
End With
With UGridPgwas.Bands(2)
.ColHeaderLines = 1
.AddButtonCaption = "Tambah &Data"
.AddButtonToolTipText = "Klik sini untuk tambah row sebelum tambah data"
For Each ssCol In .Columns
'ssCol.Hidden = True
.Hidden = False
Set ssCol = Nothing
With .Override
.AllowAddNew = ssAllowAddNewYes
.AllowUpdate = ssAllowUpdateYes
.RowSizing = ssRowSizingAutoFree
.CellMultiLine = ssCellMultiLineTrue
.RowSizingArea = ssRowSizingAreaEntireRow
.HeaderClickAction = ssHeaderClickActionSortMulti
End With
If .Groups.count = 0 Then
.Groups.Add "PgawsDsn", , "Pengawas Dosen"
.Groups.Add "PgawsKar", , "Pengawas Karyawan"
.Groups.Add "PgawsAst", , "Pengawas Asisten"
.Groups.Add "PgawsOut", , "Pengawas OutSource"
End If
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("pgaws_dsn") Then
.Columns.Add "pgaws_dsn"
End If
With .Columns("pgaws_dsn")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 1
.DataType = ssDataTypeChar
.FieldLen = 5
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsDsn")
.Width = 810
.Header.Caption = "Kode"
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("nmpgawsdsn") Then
.Columns.Add "nmpgawsdsn"
End If
With .Columns("nmpgawsdsn")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 2
.DataType = ssDataTypeText 'ssDataTypeChar
.FieldLen = 100
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsDsn")
.Width = 3500
.Header.Caption = "Nama"
.Hidden = False
End With
With .Columns("remun")
'With .Columns("stremun_dsn")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 3
'.DataType = ssDataTypeText ' ssDataTypeChar
'.FieldLen = 1
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsDsn")
.Width = 810
.Header.Caption = "Remun"
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("pgaws_kar") Then
.Columns.Add "pgaws_kar"
End If
With .Columns("pgaws_kar")
.Header.Caption = "Kode"
.Header.VisiblePosition = 4
.DataType = ssDataTypeChar
.FieldLen = 5
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsKar")
.Width = 810
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("nmkar") Then
.Columns.Add "nmkar"
End If
With .Columns("nmkar")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 5
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.DataType = ssDataTypeText
.FieldLen = 100
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsKar")
.Width = 3500
.Header.Caption = "Nama"
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("pgaws_ast") Then
.Columns.Add "pgaws_ast"
End If
With .Columns("pgaws_ast")
.Header.Caption = "Kode"
.Header.VisiblePosition = 6
.DataType = ssDataTypeChar
.FieldLen = 5
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsAst")
.Width = 810
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("nmast") Then
.Columns.Add "nmast"
End If
With .Columns("nmast")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 7
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.DataType = ssDataTypeText
.FieldLen = 100
.Width = 3500
.Header.Caption = "Nama"
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsAst")
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("pgaws_out") Then
.Columns.Add "pgaws_out"
End If
With .Columns("pgaws_out")
.Header.Caption = "Kode"
.Header.VisiblePosition = 8
.DataType = ssDataTypeChar
.FieldLen = 5
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsOut")
.Width = 810
.Hidden = False
End With
If Not UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Columns.Exists("nmoutsource") Then
.Columns.Add "nmoutsource"
End If
With .Columns("nmoutsource")
.Header.VisiblePosition = 9
.Activation = ssActivationActivateNoEdit
.DataType = ssDataTypeText
.FieldLen = 100
.Group = UGridPgwas.Bands(2).Groups("PgawsOut")
.Width = 3500
.Header.Caption = "Nama"
.Hidden = False
End With
End With
Is there something wrong with my code? Thx.. Plz reply me ASAP...