Paging supporting class (3rd party) for Adapter/SqlServer/C#

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 24-Apr-2004 14:26:30   

For the people looking for paging support for SqlServer, Julian Turner created a subclass of DataAccessAdapter which adds paging support, using a temptable or table variables. The class is for C# (but can be converted to VB.NET using a C# to VB.NET converter which are available on the net) and SqlServer 7/2000/MSDE and works for Adapter, as Adapter has more facilities to do this kind of pre/post processing logic.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 30-Apr-2004 16:31:04   

I've tried this out and it works pretty well. I had some issues with the table variable version of it (got a timeout error on one specific query), but the temp table version works good. This could save me a lot of time in my current project, so I'll say thanks for what looks like a really handy tool simple_smile