Please help.
I have read a few longish threads there in the forums concerning web services.
I need a bit more detail.
It looks like there are at least 4 ways to pass an LLBLGen-generated entity back from a web service...
Write Web Methods that return a DataSet. Then, convert from an Entity to a DataSet and pass the DataSet back.
Write Web Methods that return an Entity. Run WSDL.exe and then hand-edit the proxy class output, changing from DataSet to EntityType as needed.
Write Web Methods that return some kind of Data Transfer Object (DTO).
Write Web Methods that return a String. Convert from the Entity to a String using WriteXml. Then, reconstitute the object on the caller's side using ReadXml.
I expect that there are more options; but, these seem to be a bit common.
My questions are about Option 4--
When one serializes and deserializes an LLBLGen-generated entity, is that object the same on both ends or is the process lossy?
Also, does the same thing apply to LLBLGen-generated TypedLists and View objects?
(FYI, I am using LLBLGen, .NET 1.1, ASP.NET, the LLBLGen Adapter templates, SQL Server 2000, and VB.NET. I am using Entity objects to hold and pass data. I am not using tracking in the objects. )
What do you think?
Please advise.
Thank you.
--Mark Kamoski