what does this Exception mean?

Posts: 6
Joined: 08-Mar-2006
# Posted on: 11-Apr-2006 23:50:09   

I get the following Exceptoin even though it builds sucessfully.

"No selectList specified in selectList. Parameter name: selectList"

I have a EmpPhone Typed List and i am trying show it in datagrd.

My code:

IPredicateExpression filter = new PredicateExpression(); filter.Add(VEmployeeFields.EmpId== 4);

EmpPhoneTypedList ep= new EmpPhoneTypedList(); DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter();

adapter.FetchTypedList(ep,filter); ----here is where i get the exception

what could this mean?

Posts: 6
Joined: 08-Mar-2006
# Posted on: 12-Apr-2006 00:05:51   

Sorry..it was my bad.... For some reason the typed list wasnt saved properly or something bt it did not have any list...i hope it will work now.