cjendro wrote:
i think ist not really a miserable database, only corelab support sucks, because they have implemented a new license model with some fundametle design problems and realeased it without sufficient testing.
mysql itself is a great database, only the mysql driver licensing policys are horrible.
I got a tip from crlab how to avoid the error, and it now proceeds but I now get the licensing error. I've put licenses.licx files everywhere, no luck.
I give up. If they don't have a solution by 5PM this afternoon I'll pull Mysql support. The DQE and driver will be kept in binary form, but will be build against 2.80.7 like it was in the past.
what about adding support for microsoft and only releasing the sourcecodes for llblgen -mysql driver? so every user can build it themself, is this also against gpl?
The GPL is a distribution license. So if we purchase a license for the mysql provider from mysql, we can ship our code without worries. The problem is, if one of our customers, you for example, ship YOUR application, with our DQE (which is build against mysql's provider) and you don't have a license because you're using a GPL-ed version, you ship a piece of code which then can't be distributed in the current form: non-GPL-ed binary because you're not allowed to ship the DQE dll.
Besides that, the mysql provider from mysql is very expensive (>250 euro per developer) and it's downright silly to ask money for software which is required to actually USE your own software. Like mysql doesn't want .net developers to connect to the db apparently.
It's actually a grey area: it's not very clear defined what a derived work is when it comes to dynamic linking. The FSF, and owner of the GPL, states that dynamic linking is the same as static linking and if you link at runtime to a GPL-ed library, your software is with that a derived work. So even if you load the DQE dynamically, it's debatable if you then can ship the DQE.
But I don't want to mess with that. I have better things to do with my time than to play the stupid games of Mysql or the FSF. I respect their position, it's their license and code after all, but I feel that I don't have to play along with that. MySql is not able to answer simple questions about this licensing other than that we should become VAR for mysql... I don't want to resell any database, I just want to be able to compile against a driver
But enough of this. I hope corelab has an answer before 5PM, if not, I'm sorry.