I would like to call an action stored procedure created based on a table structue. The procedure will accept a single parameter of type Entity which is also created based on the Table structure. How should I change the Template to generate that code.
Table: TBangla( C1, C2, ..........Cn)
EntityClass: TBanglaEntity with properties like C1, C2, .. Cn as generated by LLBgen
Stored Procedure: InsertToTBangla(p1, p2, ....PKoutPutValue)
I would like to call the procedure in Business Layer like
Public TBanglaEntity SaveBangla(TBanglaEntity myEntity)
myEntity= Datalayer.InsertToBangla(myEntity);
return myEntity;
The current LLBGenPro code calls the procedure like
DataLayer.InsertToBangla(p1, p2, p3, ......pn)
If there are 3/5 patameters (attributes in Table) then fine, but if you have 50 attributes it gives big headache.
I think I have cleared my point. Any questions, let me know. I need it resovled as soon as possible.
Matiur Rahman