ActionStoredProcedure with EntityClass as Parameters

Posts: 10
Joined: 29-Nov-2005
# Posted on: 20-Dec-2005 15:20:37   


I would like to call an action stored procedure created based on a table structue. The procedure will accept a single parameter of type Entity which is also created based on the Table structure. How should I change the Template to generate that code.


Table: TBangla( C1, C2, ..........Cn)

EntityClass: TBanglaEntity with properties like C1, C2, .. Cn as generated by LLBgen

Stored Procedure: InsertToTBangla(p1, p2, ....PKoutPutValue)

I would like to call the procedure in Business Layer like

Public TBanglaEntity SaveBangla(TBanglaEntity myEntity) {

       myEntity= Datalayer.InsertToBangla(myEntity);

       return myEntity;


The current LLBGenPro code calls the procedure like

 DataLayer.InsertToBangla(p1, p2, p3,

If there are 3/5 patameters (attributes in Table) then fine, but if you have 50 attributes it gives big headache. 

I think I have cleared my point. Any questions, let me know. I need it resovled as soon as possible.


Matiur Rahman

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# Posted on: 21-Dec-2005 07:08:25   

You need to download the SDK from the 'extras' section in the customer area, together with Template Studio.

Check them out, and please get back to us if something is stopping you.