I have a new project which I would like to find a way to use LLBL with, but I am not sure of the best way to approach it. The project requires that multiple customers with multiple databases be supported (hosted application). Each customer will have their own database, and each table within the database will have a set of core columns (ie: id, parentid, datecreated, ownedby, etc.) which will be common for all tables in all databases. However, customers will be able to add their own columns on the fly so that outside of the core columns, each customer will have a different set of columns.
So how to model this in LLBL (if LLBL is even the right tool)? Some ways I've thought of include:
1) create core entities (such as account) and then add fields dynamically at run time to the accountentity based on the fields available for that particular customer.
2) use codedom to create entities on the fly and load the entity classes into memory as required.
I am sure better minds than mine have already tackled this problem with LLBL Any suggestions?