pilotboba wrote:
Otis wrote:
It's not the bugs, it's the knowledge there won't be a fix till orcas. Thankfully, due to the huge amount of airtime in the past days, they turned around and will ship fixes earlier, will publish known issues better and workarounds.
If the 'vocal people' would have been quiet, that never would have happened.
Why? Had they announced that there would be no service pack for 2005? If so, I didn't hear that.
Why don't you believe me? Please read the replies to this blogentry:
Then, a guy from MS comes in and posts this reply:
See the 'next version' remark? That's orcas. And not released next year.
Now, take into that light the questions from Soma to me what they should do and what he told me they will do, and add to that what I heard from VC# core team developers, I can assure you, something drastic happened at the higher levels there. Not because of the bug I found, I don't want any credit for that, but because of the unified voice from the community that they want a clear and simple and reliable way to patch their IDEs with patches for bugs found.
As I said, it's not the fact that there are bugs, everybody knows there will be bugs. It's the knowledge that potentially we had to wait for 2007+ to get an update for this and other bugs found and yet to be found. That's now going to change and I'm very happy that it will.
I also would like to add: the info about some particular nasty bugs in RTM is in ladybug or not even known to the public. But not the first stop you'd look for 'known issues' when you run into things as a normal developer.
This is a problem. For the few people who read my blog or for the few people who read other blogs about other bugs... they now know there are particular issues and how to avoid them. Especially that last part is very important: how to avoid them. The issue I ran into is nasty because it will make you lose your work and your window setup, as you have to kill the IDE. So it's important you can avoid this. Because the average developer doesn't read blogs, s/he doesn't know this issue nor how to avoid it and will run into it (or into the VB.NET IDE Crash bug in RTM they postponed for example).
To get the known issues and workarounds (!) out in the open is also something that's of upmost importancy. The more is known about which bugs are there and how to avoid them, the better. It's unclear how they will offer this, but they will work on this to get this streamlined and I think that's great.
I understand that some people say: "Why all the fuss about a couple of bugs?". Though that's not the point: I didn't post the bug to start a war, I posted the bug to see if others ran into it as well and to get it validated on ladybug plus to see if the community could get MS in gear to release a fix IF it's a bug. The more fuss, the more chance they will do something about it.
I'm not sure how you think of this, but I for one want bugs to be patched and patches to be released in the open, so the people who WANT TO download the patch can do so. And also, known issues and workarounds to be posted if no patch is available/possible. A good example of that last part is the VS.NET 2003 HTML editor. MS confirmed in 2004 that the editor was broken and couldn't be fixed. Though they did that in a thread in a vs.net newsgroup. How many people have read that? A small group compared to the group who ran into the issues the HTML editor has/had in VS.NET 2003. If they would have posted the info, and possible workarounds (there were a couple), it would be way better, because customers could then find the known issues, read teh work arounds and move on.
The community, and that's also you, can make a difference. If you're not happy with something, say so: here, or elsewhere. The thing is that if more and more people express their frustration, the more chance you have it will get fixed/updated. One of the examples is Response.TransferFile(), an undocumented addition to ASP.NET's Response object in .NET 1.1 SP1, to overcome the misery of BinaryWrite and WriteFile.
Though I have to agree with the fact that people should be realistic as well. I therefore tried to express the bug I found as 'hmm, is this a bug or is it me?' instead of '(&@#@#@! bl00dy VS.NET $#(@($@ ~!!!', as I've seen a couple of others do. It's not realistic, and frankly I would be a hypocrite if I did so, because my own work isn't bugfree either, and neither will your work be, no matter how hard we try. But as I said: it's not that I ran into a bug, it's the knowledge that a bugfix would be hard to get if not impossible. Well, not for me, but for OTHER people who don't have the benefit to pull a string and get certain things easier/earlier from MS. Things had to change, MS had to realize that bugfixes are things you should release to your customers a.s.a.p.