I've got a blog :)

Posts: 497
Joined: 08-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 20-Oct-2005 16:37:28   

...or should that be "yet another trivial .net blog"...

I'd just like to announce that I finally got round to signing up for a blog today simple_smile


There's nothing in there at the moment (apart from a link to one of my favourite bloggers.....you might know him!), but I'm going to attempt to blog about all things .NET related, including a new found passion for O/R Mappers, and any .NET issues I feel I can contribute something vaguely useful on!


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Oct-2005 15:04:44   

heh simple_smile cool simple_smile now, one purpose I heard about a blog is that you put text there too for the people to read smile wink . (and I'm honoured I'm the only one thus far on the blogrole wink )

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 497
Joined: 08-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 21-Oct-2005 17:14:32   

Darn, I knew something was missing!!! stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye