Aglaia wrote:
As you may have noticed, we've added some features to the forum.
Before every thread you now see either an empty box or a checked box. A chequed one means the thread is 'done' and can be marked that way by the starter of the thread or the support team by clicking the empty square in the icon menu. A 'done' thread means the initial question has been answered completely.
In the top menu or on the startpage in the new 'Easy access' list, we've added a link called 'active threads'. If you click that, all not 'done' threads are shown in which someone posted a message the last 48 hour.
Aglaia, cool new features!
Are you aware that once the owner of the thread marks it as done, you cannot undo this?
I suppose you could just post another message to the thread to "undo" it...