I've not had a chance to look fully at the spec of C# 2.0. However I know it supports generics (templates from the C++ days). Does it by any chance support typedef or similar so ridiculously long variable declarations can be reduced?
MyGenericCollection<MyOtherGenericCollection<int>,YetOtherGenericCollection<int>> blah = new MyGenericCollection<MyOtherGenericCollection<int>,YetOtherGenericCollection<int>>();
In the good old days ( ) you could do this:
typedef MyGenericCollection<MyOtherGenericCollection<int>,YetOtherGenericCollection<int>> Wibble;
Then define the type thus:
Wibble blah = new Wibble();
Yeah I know it kind of removes the point of generics, but when you know you're only going to be using say 5 or 6 variants of a generic class it's easier to typedef them.
I suppose I could do this:
public class Wibble : MyGenericCollection<MyOtherGenericCollection<int>,YetOtherGenericCollection<int>>
But then you need to implement the constructors etc.