About vs.net: I haven't used it for longer periods than 2 hours on a day, but every time I used it it stopped accepting new characters in the editor at a given time. I then had to close hte ide, restart the ide, load the project etc. very annoying. Some parts are also very slow IMHO, especially the class designer, unusable.
I can't understand how people can write solid software with this beta2, as there are so many things which fall apart. Ok, your basic test app, that works, but a full application ? I doubt you don't run into serious problems. And what's worse: they ARE going to change some api's in the final.
About LLBLGen Pro v2:
MattWoberts wrote:
The plan is to use LLBLGen (of course ), but what would be great is if there was a beta version 2 of LLBLGen that we could use in conjuction with VS2005 beta in the early stages - so that when LLBLGen2 ships we wouldn't need to port it all over, and would be able to take advantage of new features in the beta...... Do you have any plans for an early beta of LLBLGen2?
Betas of a new version require dedicated beta-testers. So people who will beta-test the v2.0 betas when they come out will be hand-picked, at least that's the plan for now. Perhaps we change it and make it a public beta for all customers, as a teaser to upgrade .
Nevertheless, v2.0 will have new features which will take a while to develop, and I want them in, so it is very hard to say when it is done. I rather polish it for a month longer than rush it out the door.
That said, I personally think they'll never make November 7th. That is: they will have a shiny presentation and the marketing department of MS will be there with their shiny faces and boosted ego's but the rest of the world can only feel sad and sorry at that day: very serious issues are postponed on a daily basis, because fixing them will take too much time and can cause new bugs to appear.
There's now a petition for a beta3. I find that a stupid idea, as forcing them to deliver a beta3 is only cost MORE time, they already are on a 'fix everything and get it done'-schedule. Though I agree with the idea behind the petition that we rather want the bugs to get fixed than postponed just because Marketing already booked the ballroom in Vegas in November.