Marcus wrote:
"Last Post By" - Excellent!
swallace wrote:
I like the new look. Cleaner, easier to read. I suspect, however, as hard as you work and as quick as you are to give support, the 'last post by' field will always say 'Otis'!
Call me a "nit picker" but can I make a suggestion
I think the Started By would be much better in a column next to Last Post By. Even after I reloaded the stylesheet (which I only thought to do after I read this post
), the number of posts that are displayed on a screen is reduced because of the extra Started By lines... which means extra scrolling to see information that was previously available without scrolling. The reason I mention this is that there is plenty of extra horizontal room for an additional column...
I toyed with that, but it ate away a lot of room frm the thread subjects, which then easily wrapped, and which looked ugly as well. I tried several variants, this one we liked the best as most clear. I understand it shows less threads in one go, though most of hte time the threads below the viewed threads aren't the newest ones anyway
Tip about stylesheets... I discovered a little method to solve the problem of having to get users to manually update cached stylesheets, javascript etc. All you have to do is either:
- include a version number in the stylesheet or js file name
- or create a folder which is named as a version number which contains the new stylesheets, js files.
Versionnumber, I'll check that out. The folder is a neat idea but not an option, as I then have to change all the pages.
Obviously the pages need to be updated to include the new version specific files, but users will never have the problem of seeing old stylesheets again... I actually wrote a small server control which I simple inlcude on each page that requires the stylesheet. The server control looks up the current version number from a config file and dynamically creates the stylesheet paths and filenames etc. I use the folder method which makes it really easy. If I ever make a change to the javascript or stylesheet files, I simply copy the folder to a new folder, rename it to the new version number and make my changes. Once I update the config file to use this new version, client browsers automatically load the new css and js files.